she is currently batting around an ice cube
she is currently batting around an ice cube
How does anybody own a cat and not know how to burrito it?
She is such a girl's girl. Definitely seems like the friend you could call to celebrate with or sob over ice cream with and she'd be equally supportive.
I think you are right about the sexism, but I think it's a little more complicated. A man like Caruso can be out of the game (at a star level) for over 10 years and still come back as a lead because male stars move from "hot" to "distinguished" and female stars move from "hot" to "not" (or "old").(in the eyes of…
There is this belief that women are basically hairless aside from a velvety dusting on the shins and a couple of tendrils in each armpit. It's crap. Some women are like that, just as some women are naturally thin and toned without putting much effort in. I have pale skin and black hair and it grows like knotweed. If I…
Excuse me but I was told there would be no math.
I still can't wrap my head around the mentality of people "proudly clinging to my guns and bible" mantra. Isn't carrying around a gun to shoot people the opposite of what the bible says? Isn't there a part in Bible where we are to 'Love thy neighbor"? extra half hour a week? I let my leg, armpit, and pubic hair get pretty out of hand before doing anything about it, but I definitely still spend a lot more than a half hour each week.
Maybe my hair just grows really fast?
So now we're in the universe where women asking for the unhindered ability to take control of their family planning is oppressive because it's a responsibility we are throwing on them that should be left up to men?
So when she says that the guys had to shave below the neck does that include things like arm hair? Because at some point it's just a time management issue.
No, allow me to pay for my own birth control out of insurance which is part of my compensation.
Not sure I agree with the Caruso example— he was basically exiled for a decade between NYPD Blue and CSI: Miami with only one or two crappy movies in between.
I recall seeing him as a background character in military clothes during a recent sci fi movie—-I think he was in X-Men: First Class on one of those ships. Either that or Battle Ship. But seeing that I fell asleep during Battle Ship (watched it on a plane ride) and barely remember a damn thing about that movie (which…
Good stuff. Nice to have something to watch on an evening.
I forgot all about this. Shonda Rhimes promptly wrote her ass off the show so I'd say the writing was stellar.
I need to handle PR for these people. There is a way to talk around all this without looking like an asshole, such as: "I got a reputation for being difficult to work with, which makes it harder to find work. I look forward to proving that reputation as undeserved as I work on this awesome new project."
And I think is also a fairly interesting person.
Jolie can act.