
People have all kinds of information on Facebook that potential employers are not allowed to ask for... sexual orientation, age, marital status, etc. Asking for a Facebook login as part of an interview isn't a lot different from asking for all person email logs, diaries, notes passed to friends, etc.

I've found myself commenting less and less anyway since the "redesign" stuff first started. This will be the last straw for me, once the switch is flipped, my gawker profile can linger and die without me.

Sad day... There goes my days of commenting on Lifehacker I suppose. I will not be linking my social networks to Gawker, and I will not be fabricating a social network ID solely to retain my account here.

VOTE: Razer Barracuda

Camera ZOOM FX was featured on Lifehacker as one of the best camera apps for Android. I definitely recommend World of Goo and Osmos as great games. I downloaded They Need to Be Fed, and the first few levels so far have been fun.

I realize that it is a beta (er... "Consumer Preview"), but it could use some more polish for desktop computer usage. The metro interface isn't my favorite, but I'm trying to give it a good college try. I don't like that I can pick an app from the metro interface and it just takes me straight to the desktop and opens

"Be willing to abandon bad books"

*there is no inherent RIGHT to get paid for something*

If you would never pay to see Zombie Strippers from Outer Space (ever), what made you feel that you had a right to see it?

You raise a very good point Nero. However, avatars are generally considered to be covered under Fair Use.

**You said that if people were as unlikely to get caught in the real world as they are online everyone would steal.

**Let's be real clear here... The rate of piracy is *incredibly* low.

I think if people could steal any real-world item with a chance of getting caught as remote as the chance of getting caught with piracy, the rate of theft would be in the same realm as the rate of piracy today.

Piracy is not the same as theft. Words mean things, so let's use the right words to describe it. It is a different scenario, although it is still both illegal and immoral. Again, people have no RIGHT to consume media.

I agree! Don't give them your money! But that doesn't mean it is morally or legally OK to pirate their products.

Agreed. The costs to watch Game of Thrones may be prohibitively high, but in that case you still have no inherent "right" to watch it. Using that as an excuse to pirate is weak.

I think you can do this on Google+ through the hangouts. This might only be for YouTube videos though. Worth checking out.

Who's privates?

I think it is hard to say that Zelda games are all retellings of the same story. Many of them have fairly different stories to them. I would equate it more with stories of Hercules or other mythological figures. Over time, more and more feats were attributed to this one central character, who may or may not have

Has anyone found a good ROM for the Galaxy Nexus? I've been using Codename Android 1.4.0 for a little while and it works pretty well, but I'm itching to hear that Cyanogenmod has finally been updated.