
Certain-minded folks will say that about any simplification of what was once a complicated process. I remember hearing something similar about being allowed to use calculators in math classes... "but people won't learn all of the steps!". Sure, if you want people to learn things, make them do the steps. But some

A fair point, but it isn't hard to look into what Android phones are rootable before buying one. There are options for easily rootable Android phones for anyone that cares to look.

Despite me being a big fan of Android over iOS (having owned both), my jimmies were unrustled by this post. That said, this picture is absolutely amazing.

I actually set up a filter for my wife that sent anything from her grandmother with a subject containing "FW" straight to the trash.

Vote: CyanogenMod 9

This is an awesome addition. They are quickly knocking out my wanted features list in Chrome. Next up, being able to choose which things you sync up and down. For example, I want to have my history from my work laptop upload so I can access it at home, but I don't want my home history to sync to my work laptop.

For now, although the US has a nasty habit of exporting its laws concerning the internet.

From the post, which you should take the time to read:

If the government can access a backdoor, you can darn well bet that hackers will find a way to access it as well.

Thanks! That looks like exactly what I need.

Thanks! That will help with a good amount of the space-consuming programs, I'll check it out sometime this weekend. Any idea if I can just move specific games? I could imagine a scenario where I may want to have a game on the SSD to help with load times.

I am not at that particular computer right now, but off the top of my head, Chrome was one program that didn't have an option I could see.

It is too bad that they have taken that approach. When I first got into Ubuntu, I loved being able to dig around in config files in plain text, despite not really knowing what I was doing. I just made sure to back up the files before I did so.

I recently got a new 120gig SSD. Currently I have Windows7 installed on the SSD. Does anyone know of a tool or some method in Windows to install programs to my secondary HDD? Many installers don't give me that option.

Great advice.

Re #1: "I have a medical appointment." Your supervisor doesn't need to know anything more than that, and legally is in a sticky situation if he asks for more details.

What did I ever do to you?

People have multiple computers or multiple monitors and may be checking lifehacker from something other than their primary (aka their work computers or smartphones).

I am unfortunately in the same boat. I really like G+, but there is no convincing people to switch over from Facebook.

There is no technical solution to users doing stupid things. People that use the same username and password for everything will continue to find ways to get their accounts compromised. This change does nothing to stop users from doing stupid things, and it pisses off the users that don't do stupid things with their