
I think that is a perfectly reasonable response to ndiswrapper... thats why I made sure my new wifi card was compatible with Linux out of box.

I'm no expert in this area, but I would suggest poking through your VM settings for video. I don't have VMware in front of me, so I can't tell exactly what you should be looking for.

Use NTFS for the data partition. I know that you can specify a swap partition using the Ubuntu installers partition editor, so you may as well set that up how you want.

Absolutely agree. When I saw this, my first thought was that it could be a pretty good tablet interface. Then I heard that they want it for desktops? Why?

Doesn't work on OG Droid :(

I used Swype for quite a while, and found it to be fun. It didn't seem to save me a ton of time over pecking out letters on the stock keyboard, but it was easier to type using one hand.

I know it is a pain, but hand-written thank you notes are much more appropriate for that sort of situation. If for some reason you physically cannot write them by hand, I'd suggest typing each out, printing, and signing it.

Paper towels and an iron work like a charm. I've been there.

Seems like a legitimate question. I'm sure the topic was supposed to be Microsoft Windows, but I like ehed's clever use of ambiguity to ask a question.

I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I would think the well windows would cause more problems with waterproofing.


The cheapest? Turn your computer speakers up to a loud volume in the next room. That's what I do.

I agree that Christians have been going around and "spreading the good word" for quite some time, but how does that address the problem that religion is (mostly) hereditary? How do you reconcile a just god sentencing people to hell for being born to the wrong parents?

If I'm understanding your reply correctly (and please correct me if not), you are stating that substitutionary atonement is not a valid moral concept. It is only applicable in this one specific scenario. Perhaps I'll have to give up on that topic because it seems that what we have come to is "substitutionary atonement

What makes Camping's claims any whackier than the much more vague claim that Jesus will be coming back for the rapture "soon"? Is it simply that he is providing a specific, falsifiable date?

I still don't understand how any of that makes substitutionary atonement a valid moral concept. Why would the death of one person atone for the crimes of another? As described by the Bible, Yahweh is a "just" god. How is substitutionary atonement reconciled with a sense of justice?

Which signs point to the "next decade or so"? How are these different than the signs that have pointed to "the next decade or so" for the last 2000 years?

Jesus didn't die for me.

I think anyone that knows anything about religion knows that Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc are not monolithic groups.

I never really felt drained after selling plasma... although I took good care to be very well hydrated prior to going in, and I would drink plenty of liquids afterwards.