
My Google Reader is driving me nuts, I have some starred items that will not un-star. For a while it was only one item, but now there are several that are getting piled up. This has been reported to Google for some time, and it appears that they are not going to fix it anytime soon.

Wow... now THATS a life hack.

Oh, so just because the guy is a serial killer he has to be white? That's racial profiling!

The "founding fathers" are basically a new pantheon of gods to be worshiped in America. Nevermind that they had incredibly diverse views on any number of issues, but how about the fact that they WERE born over two centuries ago.

I'll second that. Whenever I read a price, I round it up, the only exceptions being things like .25 .50 or .75.

Free market capitalism baby! If the products are overpriced, people won't buy them. If people are buying them, they aren't overpriced. Especially true of non-essential goods, and these could not be any more non-essential.

If you look at the "eye candy", it is silly hats, different colors for your robot, and apparently some gestures for your robot. Without any of that, the game looks good, is fun to play, and is highly entertaining. I believe that several of the items are unlockable through achievements as well. It isn't like there are

Allow me to be the first to squeal like a little girl.. *ahem* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee...!

So, union laborers are making more money than non-unionized laborers.. so instead of thinking of ways to raise the standard for non-unionized laborers, we need to lower the standard for unionized workers.

Of course! If those greedy unions weren't demanding a decent wage, benefits, and livable working conditions the US would be back on TOP! If only we would do away with regulation and make it illegal for workers to organize, we could be back competing with China's labor force! Goodness knows we should be paying our

As an American, I'm quite aware of what you are saying. However, my point still stands that there is a large part of the population that thinks healthcare is not a right (see [www.businessinsider.com] )

(American perspective) If health care is not even considered a human right by a large portion of the population, I think we would have one heck of a hard time convincing anyone that web access is a human right.

Sure you can. Just make sure you start light and work your way up to find your limits. Then proceed to push those limits each week.

Just a tip... click the "Print Article" button to read it all on one page.

I'm using Project Elite 5 [www.moddedlogic.com] right now and locking my email app in memory, and that seems to keep the push email running.

Have they fixed any of the problems with the original Droid? I tried one of the RCs and had some big problems with the memory management. Specifically the problem is that Gingerbread was not built to run on 256mb of RAM. There were lots of apps closing (not a force close, just back to home) and exchange emails would

Just because it is from the Bible doesn't mean it isn't true or useful... if they hadn't included the source, would you have liked the quote?

I ended up getting one from outlet.dell.com with a little bit better processor and video card for about $300, but that was last year.

*checks Task Manager*

I don't have own another monitor, although I suppose I could lug my desktop over to my tv and see if the VGA works on that.