
I see a lot of "Firefox for the extensions" comments. What are the must-have extensions for Firefox that you can't get in Chrome. I'm interested if there is something I'm truly missing out on.

I can't wait to see ladies wearing this out to the club.

Feel the internet love!*

I know its a typo, but a rouge A.I. sounds like some kind of seductress fembot..

Ctrl+R? How about just F5?

For a lot of UI customizations, you can just right click next to a tab, go to "Customize", and drag stuff around to wherever you want it.

These particular women happen to enjoy a reassuring slap on the keyster. BAM! No longer a problem. You're welcome, everyone who was worried about offending women. If this fictional video game women enjoy the slap, no objections can be made.

Give it a try. If you like it, stick with it. If you don't, Chrome will still be there :).

Major props to the LH team for respecting Mozilla's wishes and not linking to the FTP. Classy move!

If I'm having a good day I like to do that too!

Open thread random question that popped into my head:

I assume that in order to test this, a machine to receive/detect the particle from the future would have to be created. That machine would have to have a specific way of coding the particles to be interpreted as information. From that point, somebody at some time in the future would have to send the message back to

This seems nerdy to say out loud (so I'll type it), but this is an exciting time for web browsers. In my mind, FF and IE are closing the gap on Chrome. I'll be trying all of the stable versions out next week some time to give them all a fair chance. IE9 seems pretty sharp, but it will take some major impressiveness

Can you prove that there is not a planet somewhere in the universe called Phlebartagartfast where a man named Steven walks on his hands to work every day?

Nobody is questioning their right to believe whatever they want to believe. However, no beliefs are so sacred as to be "off limits" for scrutiny, especially when reality so sharply contradicts them.

Except that atheism isn't a faith. I have yet to meet an atheist that wouldn't believe in a god if presented with reasonable evidence. Atheism is essentially accepting the null hypothesis (if you are familiar with the scientific method) about the existence of God or gods. Sufficient evidence has not been presented to

Atheism is a religion in the same way that NOT collecting stamps is a hobby.

I always enjoy a good hypothetical moral quandary. I'm glad you aren't actually in a situation like that though :).

I understand loyalty to friends, so I won't ask why you are friends with someone who you know is a felon in the first place.

Aim to decapitate. If that doesn't do any good, aim to dismember. Torso shots certainly are useless. Only use fire AFTER they stop coming at you. It is much worse to have a burning zombie coming after you.