
@unwritten_law9: Only -20F here last night, but after a point cold is just cold. I could certainly use some global warming about now.. I'm far enough from a coastline..

@OCEntertainment: I am not a therapist, but I suggest diving deep into something. Maybe there is a work project you can put a lot of focus on, maybe you want to learn something new and you can throw yourself at it.

@joe.glass: Congrats on the good results!

@FutbolGenius: I had to read that twice, but then I laughed. Well played sir.

A good email should include an expectation of when someone should get back to you. Generally if you need an immediate response, email is the wrong medium.

In the scene where he is holding the big fat dude over his head, I just kept thinking of button mashing "B,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,B"

@jalb: True, but it is theoretically possible for somebody to botch rooting their phone badly enough to brick it. In that case, preventing rooting would be "protecting the user".

I can't understand the motivation behind making a multiplayer experience that does nothing to place players with similar skill levels together, gives more experienced players better weapons, and gives in-game bonuses to players who are already killing things just fine on their own.

@Matt Katzenberger: I'm also on an original Droid+CyanogenMod, and I agree 100% with the bluetooth voice dialer. I don't understand why it doesn't just use the normal Voice Dialer app. That one seems to work fine, but when I attach a bluetooth headset, suddenly I can't get an accurate dial to save my life.

@MeOhMy: My expectation of privacy for email is zero, but I'll continue to play devil's advocate a bit more.

@KamWrex: So if I write a letter on a piece of copier paper, drop it into a stamped envelope from the supply closet, and put it in the "out" box for mail, the company has every right to open that letter and read it? How about if somebody writes a letter to me, and sends it to my workplace? Does the company have the

To play devil's advocate here, shouldn't this apply to snail mail sent to your work as well then? It is on their property, going through their front desk (presumably). What is the major difference? Is it just because email is easier for an employer to monitor that it is considered different than snail mail?

Red Dead is one of the first games in a long time that I just stopped playing. I made it probably 15-20 hours into the game and just decided I didn't care anymore.

@M-Tek: Asimov says it better than I can:

Does it matter at all that the Earth, solar system, and galaxy won't be in the same place in 24 hours? I would think that would make this impractical.

@Webran61: Think of it like at the airport. When you are walking to a terminal you freely pass people that are moving slower than you. When you get to the security checkpoint, people form a queue. You don't just walk along the side of the queue as close as you can to the front and then barge in do you?

Bad drivers turn me into a giant asshole. Probably my biggest peeve is drivers that don't understand how a queue works. If there are 6 people in a row in the left lane waiting to pass a slow person, then DON'T drive all the way up on the right and try to cram your way in! Get in line like everybody else! You would

Having never had to do any real typing on a typewriter, I have never got in the habit of double spacing after sentences.