
@RickS: This is a good point. If you are comfortable allowing the police to search your stuff, by all means do it. One of the points made in the Ars article is that you can sometimes be guilty of crimes that you don't even realize. Hopefully your phone doesn't have a picture of your young child playing in the bathtub

@robot-shmobot: It may not even necessarily be because of incriminating evidence. Maybe you have some racy texts or pictures of your significant other. Maybe you have confidential business emails. Perhaps you have been keeping a diary on your smartphone or any other number of things you just don't want others reading

@Hello! My name is Anonymous: It may sound cliche, but a deep breath is extremely effective at relaxing you. It will put some time between your observation and your response, and it should physically relax your body as well.

This poll could essentially have said "Would you trust the government to *", and had about the same results.

@Brookespeed: I recommend knowyourmeme.com for all of your meme related questions.

When I was in college I had really good luck using Crunchbang (#!) Linux on my 4+ year old laptop. I was able to squeeze out enough battery life to get me through my daily classes, and it ran plenty fast to take notes.

@TheFu: You know Fu, I won't even use this script, but I'm impressed. Way to be a knowledgeable and helpful person.

@RenRen: Nope, no flu vaccine for me. I'm young and healthy, so even if I do get the flu, it usually doesn't affect me much.

@geekotheweek: There are probably about a thousand different ways to approach training for a half-marathon. I have had luck with just setting up certain days of the week to run and trying to stick to that. I usually have general ideas of the distance I want, but I feel it out in the first mile or two before I decide.

Nonsense, she's only pretty when she cries.

@thedarkerside.to: Our trainer had her 300 pound husband thrash about and try to grab on to us. As a 150 lb teenager I was able to get up behind him and grab him and kick to safety. If you get grabbed, you tuck your chin to the side and raise your arms up to escape, works like a charm.

@thedarkerside.to: Thats not really true. If somebody is about to drown, you get behind them, put your arms under their armpits and your hands behind their neck (basically putting them in a hold) and you kick your legs for all you are worth to get them back to safety.

I just received an email this morning from RunKeeper that they are adding manual activity entry for their Android app. This will let you log time spent on a treadmill or exercise bike.

@Hasteur: I'll have to side with @ceez on this one. I'm always starving after a good hard workout.

@OutlawDominus: If the cold is holding you back, try some indoor exercises. Buy a workout tape, do pushups or pullups or burpees, start dancing in your living room, whatever it takes. Just because you can't run doesn't mean you can't do some good exercise.

Along with eating slowly, watch yourself for a "full sigh". At a certain point in nearly every meal, I find myself sighing, which is a signal that I am done. I'm not sure if this is just my wife and me, or if it is more universally applicable but it might help.

@LastAndLeast: If it wears robes and leads a monastery, it is an abbot.

The best diet is one you can stick to. The best exercise routine is one you can stick to.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I do about the same thing. I rarely use anything but Netflix or Media Browser in WMC, but occasionally I will switch to Boxee or Hulu if I'm in the mood for something I can only get there.