
@Joe: @RT100: SNAP.

I would really love it if Giz could get a few legal experts to come comment on this whole situation. In my mind it is unfair, if not illegal. Hearing from one legal expert that says it is legal and one that says it is not would be a great article.

@Chewblaha: Wow.. I think I love you a little bit for playing that clip.

I prefer Android.. it is like a jailbroken iPhone without all the buggy jailbreak stuff! I've used both, and overall the I've just been more pleased with the little features I've found in Android.

@citaro: No no no, he means 'mute' point. Meaning there is no sound coming out of his post. Internet joke ahoy!

@Condalmo: There was a Lifehacker article some time ago that mentioned the plus sign in email addresses. It linked to this site:

I signed up for a bank when I started college because they have free checking.. My savings account gets basically nothing for interest, so sometime next week I will be sitting down and finding the best possible rate I can.

@JanetCarol: Wait wait wait.. THAT is considered pervy? That just sounds like a good morning.

@klmrlkn555: It will calm down, especially if you are mindful of it. Try to catch yourself if you are thinking thoughts that are over the line (whatever that means to you). With practice and discipline, you can change how your mind works.

@Jay_Simmons: I don't have a media sever, so this whole setup is starting from scratch (including ripping dvds). I probably would not bother with setting up a server. My tentative plan is to rip to my external 1TB hd and store things there.

@zombies.like.lattes.too: He's very mature for his age, I'll be bringing him along for the bachelor party as well! (Kidding!)

Happy Friday all! I'm looking forward to tomorrow for a fun packed day:

@Stephen.Lecheler: Avenue Q is AWESOME! Enjoy it! Sounds like you have a great weekend planned.

Asked this in the #openthread tag already. Hoping for more results here.

@kearneybobs: I had that "!" sounds as a incoming text message tone, and had to change it because I kept jumping out of my freakin chair... now I just use the codec sound.

@Dan2593: They are mostly right... but there are some people that will just never pay for games no matter what. DRM won't stop that. So their best bet is really just to make good games, make them available, and make them as little of a pain in the butt as possible.