
Any Kingdom Hearts stuff?

Half of the trolls say that, the other half says they don’t make enough “core games”. Newsflash to those people: preferences exist.

Make sure you’re all registered for the proper party now, since primary laws in New York suck and you have to be registered to the proper party months in advance.

I very briefly tried Spelunky vs and didn’t find it very fun. I LOVE the main game, though, and thoroughly enjoy its cooperative play. I can’t wait to play it on Switch with everyone having their own screen like with the Vita, since I never owned one.

Not to mention the multiplayer capabilities it will have on-the-go. It’s perfect, since the game only requires like 3 buttons and a d-pad.

Yes to all these. Unfortunately, Towerfall is not yet out on Switch. I haven’t heard a release date since it was “confirmed” to be released in 2017. I’m p pretty sure that Matt Makes Games is busy releasing their other game, Celeste, which comes out in a couple of weeks.

Now playing

This is one of my favorite Let’s Plays. Big Rigs.

One of my top games to fail in is Spelunky. It’s almost always hilarious.

Well now you have.

More like “People who only want new things are ruining Netflix for me”

A dollar is still worth whatever someone will pay for it. Likely, it’s another dollar, but hey, who am I to judge?

Now you’re getting it. :)

That is relative time for sentient life on Earth. What is it for everything else in the universe? Does a second feel the same to you as it does to a fly? What about a day when you were 5 versus now? Even taking some drugs can mess with your internal clock. Time is relative, and trying to make it concrete is

According to gdax.com, 86,532 and counting BTC (bitcoin) have been traded in the last 24 hours. It’s upwards of 1.4 billion USD.

Something is always worth whatever someone else will pay for it. “Value” is like “time”. It’s an abstract concept that can never be concretely defined.

Protesting outside the US Capital did award them more media coverage, most likely.

That lot grew up buying lottery tickets and Keno to win it big. Extortionist capitalism at its finest. Meanwhile, millenials are speaking up loudly and clearly (for the most part) against extortionist gambling in the form of randomized loot crates in video games.

Politicians are allowed to endorse other politicians who don’t 100% agree with them. No two people have the same opinion on every issue. Did Bernie say he endorsed his position on anti-abortion? If you do, please post it here, and I will watch/read it.

I wasn’t doing whataboutism. The first half of the video is Bernie’s response. Not my fault she’s the thumbnail.