
There’s something extremely human about the immediate response to “look at this thing that hasn’t been touched for a million years!” being “let’s disturb it!”. I’m not sure if it’s good or bad.

Yeah! Like Santa Claus.

Ah, the natural sequel to Shameless: Shamelessness.

Gotta love the slander “pro abortion agenda”, because all liberals want all fetuses to be aborted always. /s

Now I don’t even have to look up gaslighting in the dictionary.

You are the Taco to my Chalupa Batman.

The owner of an item should almost never be automatically liable. The operator typically is, but I agree with Ryan. If the operator uses the product as designed within reason, the company who built it is at fault. If a gun owner’s gun is stolen, the operator uses it as designed, and the gun explodes and kills its

Trump doesn’t even know what the truth is anymore, he’s gone so deep. He literally ignores a video of him saying X, saying he’s only ever said Y. For anything & everything.

I understand the difference between having a conversation with your imaginary friend and that “bad feeling” you get if you’re at the cusp of performing a bad act. The latter can also tell you that what you’re about to do is a morally bankrupt thing to do. I’m only partly playing devil’s advocate.

I forgot my /s :)

There is such a thing as a conscience, though. Depends on how you hear it.

You mean if I were to take a DNA test, it wouldn’t come back with the marker “Super duper white” ?

Ah yes, Marco “The Tinman” Rubio.

I think not leaving when he heard the boos warrants a purple heart. /s

There is something to be said for sourced reviews. There’s less of a chance of an article from a media organization being sponsored in “secret.”

There is something to be said for sourced reviews. There’s less of a chance of an article from a media organization

I’m getting pissed at all these people leaving because the commission they’re on is too corrupt. PLEASE STAY ON AND FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!! You quitting is only making it easier for them to extort everyone.

And here I thought the article was going to be about Purity Ring, and I wondered why you called them a pop star.

Straight presidental, this one.