
It was revealed that he had magazines of hot women when the bot went in to disarm the “bomb”.

Trump should be next.

‘But I like to call it “presidential.”’

Now playing

He staunchly supports reproductive health rights.

lol Who’s the troll again? It is not doublespeak to say that I support most of a politician’s viewpoints and how they vote in Congress, but not all of it. If someone voted 99% the way I’d want them to vote, and 1% the way I don’t, it’s still closer than every other politician. The only way you can ever have a

Bernie continued to push Clinton’s policies to the left, at least in the public eye, and it was much closer than the mainstream media would have you believe. He got 46% of the pledged delegates in the primary. Some people dock him for endorsing Clinton, and some people dock him for staying in the race. He’s inspired

I think Bernie campaigns with people in order to advocate for a stance on a specific issue. He’s not a single-issue politician, and he’s above avoiding campaigning with another politician on issue A even if they disagree completely on issue B. IMO, he’s a pragmatist, not an idealist. He works with opponents to advance

Tomato, potato

I think putting cheese on tacos in general is only a US thing.

If I never admit wrongdoing, it never happened. Great lesson for the kids.

I want to see this pyramid drawn where the volume of the pyramid represents the wealth. for that group, not how many people are in it. 8.6% of the world population has 85.6% of the wealth. That’s so fucked up.

Fake news!

Harvey Weinstein should be slut-shamed. It’s sad to see people unwilling to speak out against this stuff until it’s more or less “safe” job-wise. Hopefully as stories like these gain publicity, either assholes like Weinstein stop getting to the top, or they get shamed from staying there.

Right? They could go on strike. Although, surely many racists would chant “Do your job, you special snowflake” and miss the point. In conjunction with those press conferences Brwnskngurl talks about, maybe, just maybe, their voices would really be heard.

Well, he has been a Senator for quite some time. So, it’s almost like if you care a lot about your constituents, then you will get re-elected. Go figure.

Senator Durbin seems like a wonderful man who actually tries to represent his constituents.

I was thinking “well... I didn’t want you to come anyway!!” Both work.

“That’s two thus far, Shooter.”