
Agreed on all accounts!

I was very happy that ESO had a quest about the tender love and loss of two male wood elves... and no blog blew it out of proportion like when Mass Effect allowed same-sex relationships.

Agreed on the first paragraph, and thank you for sharing. I was hoping that someone bisexual would share their view. I’m very close with someone who is and have many more friends who are, so I’m sensitive to the subject.

It was more of a general statement. Whenever two women in media are attracted to each other or show any romantic involvement, they’re usually labeled lesbians, and I think that should stop, especially when BOTH of them are clearly bisexual or maybe even pansexual, who knows? Example, Asami and Korra from The Legend of

True. I added #2, because I got the sense from the author that Blizzard was belittling it from using the word “sidelined”.

1. Why are they automatically labeled as lesbian? They could be bisexual or something else. They like each other.

The correct answer is *in Unreal Tournament announcer voice* WICKED Siiick!

Video games are truly an even playing field that people from countries all over the world can understand. It is this combined experience that I find so profoundly appealing.

Jiffy moms choose GIF.

There’s a flower on the train! gitgud

I heard I can get pregnant by playing a video game with a woman.

Yes, thank you, I should have been more specific that I meant Turf War. The ending is drama at its finest.

I actually really like the final “...judges?” moment waiting for the results to be shown, where no one knows who won. The audience doesn’t, the casters don’t, and not even the players know who won. Everyone together eagerly awaits the scores to be shown, to ensure a simultaneous reaction from all parties. With most

I was actually kind of pumped for a new Age of Empires at the beginning of the trailer...

He made a shitton of promises he could never keep. This is one he was able to do his best to keep, and he’s doing just that. That doesn’t mean it jives with the majority of US citizens.

Extreme Dem/GOP members don’t own up to anything. It’s what both parties are based on: the blame game.

I think this is the most telling move of his by far. When literally ever single country in the US, by majority, believes we should keep to the Paris Agreement, and he does the opposite... he does not represent us. In this, or most of his policies. He is an elected official. He should be bound to the majority, if

I think there’s something to be said for a little bit of exercise if you’re not a pro gamer and don’t need frame precision. You can actually elevate your heart rate to “sport” levels according to FitBit’s HR monitors after playing ARMS for a while with motion controls.

It is intuitive if you hold your hands up like you’d actually be ready to spar someone and then just insert the Joy-Con into your hands.