
There is a rock-paper-scissors triangle for sure. Punch beats throw, throw beats block, block beats punch.

What are the eight movies featuring a female superhero?

Sometimes I wonder how drinking even affects Wolverine. He can regenerate an entire hand in what, a matter of minutes? He’d have to chug moonshine to get his buzz on.

I was hoping something along those lines. Like when he told everyone our naval armada was headed for North Korea... when in reality it was headed in the complete opposite direction. Hopefully he accidentally leaked false information he believed was true. FAKE NEWS!

The podium‘s weakness is bushes.

Feel better yet? It’s ok. There, there.

Thank you. My wife was so excited about it last night that I had to pick it up. Turns out it’s wicked easy to connect locally. My Switch was even connected to my router via wired Ethernet and my wife’s was connected via wifi and it worked immediately and flawlessly. No need for Internet connection.

Can someone please tell me if you can play Minecraft with 2 Switches in local wireless together without requiring an internet connection?

Yeah, but almost every console library is anemic within a couple months of release.

[but member how we won?]

Did someone say they wanted to cyber?

So would this article be considered So Meta TM, an analysis of a meta-analyses?

After Pandas? I wouldn’t put it past them.


tl;dr Do you think Soylent is transparent about their labeling like they claim to be?

They released a 2DS later, which is a 3DS without the 3D. It’s not too much of a leap to sell a set-top console at a lower price point that simply doesn’t undock. The Joy-Con could still separate for different control schemes. Just because Nintendo didn’t do it yet doesn’t mean there’s automatically no demand for it.

I bet they’ll release one later.

Welll, damn! I was going off of what Nintendo’s website said. I’ll have to try this later myself.

“I can’t wait to pick up a couple of extra Joy-Cons so I can play four-player splitscreen on a single tiny tablet.”

Flying Battery Zone was my ringtone for years. However, that was from Sonic & Knuckles. I agree with your picks in their respective games for best song in the game. :) I mean, Michael Jackson most likely worked on Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, so it’s not surprising that the music is stellar and timeless.