
In this article, making fun of not knowing who Kermit is whilst calling a facepalm a “faceplant”.

It looks like something from a Warcraft cutscene.

I don’t know. I’m no instrument or acoustics expert, that’s why I asked. There must be a good reason why most instruments that involve strings are made out of wood. I assumed it was because they reverberated better than any other material commonly available for cheap and naturally.

Just watched this episode the other day for probably the 10th time. Thank you for reminding everyone of this awesome show.

Yeah. Typical scapegoating. Buying in to a stereotype to get more people to believe you or somehow for greater effect..

Maybe he’s never been to another country, or not enough to make an assessment of those countries’ trash situations with any certainty. I don’t think the person meant that this is the only country in which this happens.

Yeah, I suppose it’s just semantics. Either way. For most people, if they can get away with something, they will. It’s awful.

It could stem from entitlement, but I think it’s much more of a lack of accountability. Immoral people will get away with anything if they can and if it’s easy enough. Music festivals house some of the worst culprits for this. Even at a music festival where pretty much everyone is extremely nice and respectful to you

That’s why they literally put the word “hype” in the name Hyperloop.

Was listening to Close Your Eyes by The Chemical Brothers and made my own soundtrack. So beautiful.

“You think you’re any different from me or your friends or this tree? If you listen hard enough, you can hear every living thing breathing together. You can feel everything growing. We’re all living together, even if most folks don’t act like it. We all have the same roots and we are all branches of the same tree.”-

The difference between terraforming another planet and terracorrecting is an issue of definitive human extinction. If we mess up terraforming another planet, well fuck. If we mess up terracorrecting Earth and start an uncorrectable chain reaction that absolutely destroys the planet as we know it, there are no takesies

It works if you say "What does the Fox say?" If you say "what does a fox say?" it doesn't say anything.

I’m wondering why it costs $1.5 million to port it to PC...Aren’t all of the peripherals generic bluetooth devices? That and some software changes, but PS4 and Xbone use x86 CPU architecture, and most home PCs all generally use that too.

“in hotels” Yeah I don’t think free Hotel Wifi will be spitting 12 Mbps up and downstream to every room. Awesome feature to have within my house though!

This is why I LOVE co-op gaming. I feel like these characters every time!

Think about how complex SOP is for using a PC today. Once someone figures out how to do it easily and repeatedly, push a button. :)