
Alternatively, you can process your pickles through a Quantum Shift Juxtasuperposition Alterator, and then your pickles will be both delicious and not soggy...if you eat your sandwich really fast. Otherwise, the probabilities will break down. That is, until the Quantum Spin Liquid phase has been mastered, in which

Put the pickles in between the meat and cheese. The pickle juice can’t reach the bread this way to soggify it. This is known as the Soggification Avoidance Principle.

Solar Roadways + Tesla = Want

I became a Ninja by the time I got a gold medal on Ninja Rope training.

Fair enough. Maybe that’s why it’s so fun :)

Yes, it’s unknowable, but I think that speculation is important. Pretty much everyone has to do it every day, and not speculating can be dangerous.

I don’t know what’s worse... that they tried to legally force Apple to break into someone’s private property in a way that may make all iPhones (and potentially far more devices) insecure, or that they didn’t even try everything they could before doing so.

Next step: make the objects not static.

Are you saying that Bernie shouldn’t have run for President as a Democratic nominee?

Saying that it’s detracting from both Sanders’ and Clinton’s campaigns. Campaigns are supposed to butt heads within each party to figure out whose platform has more of a following, so, ideally, the party’s nominee best represents the Democratic voters of the U.S. Are you saying that only one candidate should be

How can you say that? Bernie has gotten a ton of people involved in the political process who never gave two shits about politics before, including me and many people I know. He has said in multiple interviews that it’s not about him, it’s about everyone standing up and holding their representatives accountable. Not

Yeah, he should have been a footnote like Nader. /s

“There’s no way that’s true.”

...where can I buy this?

Recycled doesn’t necessarily mean melted down for parts. It’s a broad word that means to reuse or repurpose in some way.

There will always be negative news... until there is good news. It’s like the odds of someone having the same birthday as you in a room of 30 people. Each person you add drastically increases the chances that 2 people have the same birthday. It’s more that the odds of there NOT being 2 people who have the same

Reading this while the song says “down” “down” “down” about 100 times.

I think the word you’re looking for is “definitely”. You’re smarter than that :)I have some other friends who spell it incorrectly the same way.

Don’t trust a hoe.