
Watching those sparks while listening to Trichitillomania by Feed Me. Dem sparks can dance their little photons off.

I wish more horror shows wouldn't resort to using sound. It's scarier when there's very little sound like at the very end.

Your move, Creationists.

You only have to tell them if they realize it and call you out.

I hear this comes included with the Imperial Edition, but it's not as fast as the others.

TIL that Thrall means slave. I should have guessed that due to the famous Warcraft hero.

If my ignorance of updating Flash could compromise my business and the security of millions of my customers, I totally would.

I was gonna say... can those bookshelves domino each other all down?

It's a standard movie tactic called an Establishing Shot. TONS of media uses this all the time. Although it might be less prevalent nowadays?

I'm sorry, what? "Sleep Dogs"? Do you mean Watch Dogs? #corrections

Of COURSE they would make its title "EPIC". -_-

The person making the music under the Savant moniker is actually a Savant, too. He has asperger's syndrome, and pumps out an amazing amount of music almost every day.

I wonder if this is tied to the yellow-orange light that the sun gives off. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say yes.

Why didn't you look away, then?

Thanks, and me too!

I mean I did it MONTHS ago, but it was super easy. Plug in an external HDD and copy em over. I think the fact that everyone's saying OUYA isn't threatening is helping its case, so Nintendo probably doesn't even care. It's probably even easier now that OUYA officially supports external HDD transfers.

That's great. It's a solution that works for you. That doesn't make me any less happy with my purchase. I also have an Android phone, and I'm happy with that as well. I've had lots of fun playing games on my OUYA that aren't yet available on the Google Play Store or Amazon appstore.

Nope. I still have my ROMS, emulators, and a number of choice OUYA games that are SUPER portable to bring anywhere that has power and a TV. I'm still happy with my purchase.