
And that's why you don't answer the door if they won't say who it was. You get shot and killed by a cop. I can barely even believe that that's true. Aren't cops trained to keep their safeties on at all times except when there is a conscious decision in assessing an immediate threat?

My current boss' name is Marty Friedman... coincidence? I think NOT!

That's what it was, thank you for the correction!

I've been in the beta, and I love it. I told you so?

If they combine two things that have never been combined before, that's not unoriginal. That combination of things has never been done, therefore it's different. Pretty much everything is derivative in some way. An iterative creative process is how almost everything is improved.

Makes sense. At least one of the directors, I think the Creative Director Paul Sage, was also a lead on Dark Age of Camelot.

You should play Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth in a dark room with surround sound alone. >:)


welp. here's to hoping they don't charge real dollars for horse armor in ESO.

At first I saw a bed, then a martini glass. Now all I see is cleavage.

Argh. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who deeply cared about the Acrobatics, Jump, and Levitate skills/spells of Morrowind. My Acrobatics skill was 100, and I made a ContinentHopper ring that increased my Jump by 100 for 2 seconds. I'd cast it and jump... and I would remain in the air for literally a full


Yeah, it's definitely more about creativity than "being good". Ditto with video games! Just like Super Mario was wicked random with its character design.

Character and ship wipes are over, they claim. Worlds may be wiped though.

"All will be revvvvvealed." I think he's a fan of Kashmir by Led Zeppelin.

This is great news! It means that a very wide range of people can play it at the level their computer can handle, which is necessary for a successful MMO.

Google Glass does "beam" things into your retina just as much as your computer monitor is beaming things into your retina right now and even more directly than that.

Ronnie Jones' Video Games... not only is that song stellar, but my GOD. That DANCE. It is mesmerizing. This is how gods dance. I showed multiple friends and they all agree. Thank you for enlightening me!!

but... doesn't it hinder your freedom of motion too much from lookin around? I heard that's the quickest way to motion sickness.
