
This is great news! It means that a very wide range of people can play it at the level their computer can handle, which is necessary for a successful MMO.

Google Glass does "beam" things into your retina just as much as your computer monitor is beaming things into your retina right now and even more directly than that.

Ronnie Jones' Video Games... not only is that song stellar, but my GOD. That DANCE. It is mesmerizing. This is how gods dance. I showed multiple friends and they all agree. Thank you for enlightening me!!

but... doesn't it hinder your freedom of motion too much from lookin around? I heard that's the quickest way to motion sickness.


ZeniMax... YOU FOOOOOOOOL. ESO could have been the closest thing to The Matrix that we've ever seen. Instead, Enter the Matrix still is :/ I don't want any.

It was a bad excuse for a joke. :)

Ehh you're just hearing things.

That video is amazing. I want that game on every sidewalk!! It's a brilliant conversation starter.

"Well no one's gonna top that..."

Huh. I never thought of it that way.

One does not simply form babby

These are pretty cool!

I got an 8.2. Is that good? I have a BS in CS and have never taken any course that teaches color.

It looked GREAT for an MMO you mean, and it would be suicide for a game that depends on having millions of users to ostracize the majority of their player-base who can't/won't afford to buy a more powerful machine. This is why MMO's will always lag behind other games graphically. They also support, and this is their

Welp. That was a terrible idea on their part. They're marketing for ESO, which will be one of their main competitors.

I was half joking. It's not obvious. ESO will be on PC, Mac, Xbone and PS4. How are the graphics not up to snuff?

Whatever. XP bonus is win.

ESO has now current-gen graphics. You can't make next-gen graphics... it's like waiting for tomorrow.

elder scroooooolls?