
Some of the digital perks are so good, too, even just for pre-ordering. Letting you pick any race for any alliance, and doing a quest with a friend to get bonus XP with them whenever you quest together? Brilliant!

I believe that it has to do with the bitness of the system. I know that each sprite in Super Mario could only have 4 different colors, 3 actual colors and "transparent" as one of those 4. It's why his eye, hair, mustache, mouth, shirt, and shoes are all the same color, and why his skin and over-alls button color is

OH MY GOD! He has that same forehead-vein thing going on that I do! Mine shows even when I just smile. Does every guy have this?

This is why I just laugh to myself when there's a bro who makes fun of gamers and yet has his fantasy football team down to a science and checks it regularly. That's a meta-game and they nerd out over it, although they'd more than likely get pissed off if someone called them a football nerd.

Video gaming is still barely a pre-pubescent, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon. It's JUST NOW getting to the point where there has been a generation of people playing video games for most of their lives having children. Those children will be much more accepting of video games as they grow up, and the next

Because then you'd have to call it Game of Avatars: The Last Winter

Agreed, and I'm from Massachusetts so I'm smart and must be right.

Do as a strike does: get a large percentage of users to boycott using a particular ISP that's price-gouging until they agree to lower the price. That's one of the best parts of a free-market economy, you can speak with your money, or choose to withhold your money until the price is reasonable.

Just waiting for the official re-branding of Google to Skynet.

Marvel really should have followed up creating Deadpool with creating a superhero called Captain Obvious.

If you enjoy anime, then you understand that animated shows can have mature content that makes watching worthwhile for adults, and I'm not just talking about nudity. I implore you to try watching Wall-E, and I'm very curious to know what you think about it. I personally think that it's the most adult movie that Pixar

Yes, they both make media that kids like, but also that adults like. What Pixar movies have you seen?

EXACTLY my point! Thank you. My /s meant I was being sarcastic.

It wasn't DIFFICULT per se, it was just very easy to get lost or forget that one room you have to get to with the right water level selected. It took me a long time to beat.

And that's a fair point and your prerogative. I know I wanted to play Nintendo games, and pretty much all the rest of the games I want to play are on PC, which is most of my game collection.

So now that we agree that there can be good media without adult themes that is colorful and animated, I think we agree that Mario games are in that same vein. Now, adults can learn scientific content from The Magic School Bus in the same way that adults can play Super Mario 64 and have some parts of their brain

I disagree that a show with no adult themes is immediately relegated to the "crappy" category. I'd say that Looney Tunes isn't a crappy kid's show. I'd say that any show that is educational isn't crappy, although Dora the Explorer is not a good example since it's just reinforcing rote memorization. Perhaps The Magic

I agree with pretty much everything you said! Cool, then we're in agreement on my original point about the people who claim that Nintendo games are only for "kiddies". :)

I think LOTS of people are saying Nintendo products are for kids because they're animated and colorful. Not you, but the people who say they're "just for kids". Those are exactly the people I was making fun of in my initial comment. I think they're ignorant of the entertainment value that Nintendo games can bring to

You're right, I said that wrong, it's not kid-friendly, which is my entire point. It could be super colorful but the context and actual theme is horrible. Putting a colorful "kid" coat of paint on it shouldn't matter, rape is rape.