
I was using Dpads as an example of Nintendo trying to innovate. You're right, though, they might have gone too far in this gamble. It seems like they're going all-in in a way. I'm not saying it was the right move, I'm saying Nintendo pretty much always tries to make "crazy" new hardware, and it usually catches on by

See? The organization that rates these movies rates them on the themes WITHIN movies, the actual content and their contexts, are far more important in determining the intended age group of an audience. They're not rating them on art style. They're rating them based on socially (somewhat) agreed upon guesses about how

Yeah, I can. Just take Mario and Peach exactly how they look in Super Mario 3D World, and make the Mario model rape the Peach model. Simple. It's still the exact same art style, but it's not a kid's game, is it? Obviously, this example is extreme, but my point is that content and context should determine an intended

My original point wasn't about how Nintendo created their device or what they did with it, my gripe is that I think too many people judge a book by its cover and not on its content. It's basically video game racism IMO. Think about the original Super Mario Bros. How was that a kid's game? It's a friggin acid trip but

I'm saying people are too quick to judge a game based on its graphical style instead of on which they should be judging it: its entertainment value. I wasn't knocking either company on their sequel count. Every work is a derivative to an extent. You'd have to force someone to grow up alone in a white room his/her

I was using them as examples of Nintendo adding more ways for a user to input that every other big game console maker has copied and integrated into their controllers from that point on. My point is two-fold:

So if a movie depicted mass genocide and rape in a colorful and frivolous manner, you'd consider that a kid's movie? Content is much more of a determining factor than style.

So you say the gamepad makes it cost too much and it's a dumb gimmick. It's the least expensive of the three consoles by far, and Nintendo is always innovating new hardware controllers to support new kinds of games. How is this more of a gimmick than a D-pad, shoulder buttons, a joystick, or motion controls? At least

You're welcome. I don't understand how people can't tell the difference between something designed for kids and something that's designed for everyone. We're all people, and there are certain kinds of art that appeal to many demographics including different age groups. The mindset that something must be either for

And what current-gen console have you purchased?

What makes Wall-E a kid's movie? Is it the Earth being a desolate wasteland of corporate greed? Is it the ship's self-aware auto-pilot that is attempting to imprison and enslave humanity in its ship? Please enlighten me.

Wall-E is not a kid's movie. It has some appeal to kids, but it is most definitely not a kid's movie. It's about an apocalypse with a sole robotic survivor that somehow developed an understanding and appreciation of human culture, and it's about getting off your ass and getting something done to retain your humanity.

"Because Nintendo makes games for kids."

much not. little did. such lack

Oh my god you're totally right. Mind blown.

What kind of glasses do you wear? If you're only slightly - moderately near-sighted, you might not need glasses to view this since it's SO close to your eyes.

I think the dude in suspenders on the left successfully video-bombed this one.

Still not bad considering it was one of the most ambitiously voice acted games ever when it was made. It was one of the first massive RPGs that was 100% voice acted. The VO's took up half of the entire game's data.

40% of your field of vision? Pfft. My goal is 100%.

Look at the cast of Oblivion. Very famous voice characters including, off the top of my head, Sean Bean and Patrick Stuart.