
The Twitter/NES comparison is almost unbelievably spot on. Truth.

First of all, this is magnificent!!

Hooray it works now! I'm... I don't know what to think about the value of my Steam account O.O

Thanks for the response. I'm saying it won't even let me log in because the worth of my Steam account is $0.00. How can I join a giveaway if I can't log in, and I can't log in unless I join a giveaway?

That sounds great and all, but I just tried to log into that website with Steam. It valued my account at $0.00. I own literally hundreds of games of games (~355), and not just from bundles.

Really random question, but I have to wonder what he is eating. I would like to know what his diet is to maintain this tip top shape. Obviously he's getting way more than his fair share of physical activity for 88(!).

I agree. I was playing games on a PC and a Mac when I was 5. I'm 25 now. I remember not knowing the word "command" in the phrase "Bad command or filename".

It's like a virtual reality Ouija board!

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind if I ever go to Chicago :)

This is still, by far, my favorite commercial of all time. It may not make me laugh the most (I still think it's hilarious), and it may not be the prettiest, but my god. It's the best. This one and the Paper Mario commercial of similar style are the pinnacle of Nintendo PR IMO.

Backed in a heartbeat for the special edition.

I'm glad I now have lots of proof that it's just as flawed as I had feared. I'll continue to avoid using these at all costs. Thanks for the insight!

I don't know... Wii U doesn't have an FX chip for true next gen graphics to support Star Fox. /s

Then how does Tyler do stuff that The Narrator is not consciously aware of? Obviously, it's all open to interpretation, but maybe it's all just a combination of both personalities.

Yeah, I'd say they're alienating a lot of potential clientele, which always seems like bad business.

I don't think this is for me, then. I have an incredibly wide taste in music. I don't care what the genre is. If it's good (to me), I'll listen to it.

Yeah, I don't live in Boston, I live about 20 -30 minutes away depending on traffic. I'd probably use it 5 times a year, tops. I love the subway.

8K will bring on the age of entire walls being televisions, and it'll still be hard to distinguish different pixels.

I've looked briefly and never noticed a map of all of the bike return places. If they don't have this, it would go a LONG way to determining quickly if there is one near your destination when walking by one of these stations.

I don't know. I live near Boston. I know these are in Boston, or something similar, and I hadn't looked for an app. It just seems more trouble than it's worth, but maybe I'm not pioneering enough.