
I think he meant "playable at a competitive level". That's what I'm hoping.

Ladies and gentleman: Blackman.

I thought it spinned and let me spin.

He should have read Goodnight Moon.

I cannot seem to get to that image :/


Pretty sure Batman (Bale) was doing that to avoid voice recognition software determining who he really was...

She seems to have some lady hips here. You're right about the broad shoulders, though haha

Ok, that settles it. I HAVE to watch this movie again hahaha

Some fair points. I'd argue that the N64 had a tough time rendering Sheik with any kind of gender accuracy.

So Zelda isn't gifted in the badonk or bust department. Does that make her less female? She's gifted with the Triforce of Wisdom. I think that's an even trade. I think that's why she doesn't lust, she knows better.

Uncanny how the FBI is acting more like Snow's army every day.

Glitter doesn't ever EVER go away. It only MOVES.

In all seriousness, though, if Zelda and Link swapped all their clothing/gear, I think no one would ever notice. Maybe they're identical twins and they get bored and do that. Maybe the Zelda/Link ignorance swap is actually a joke on us all.

Haha I suppose that's fair, I see your point. If you watch really good screen-casters they very rarely discuss the lore of the game, if that's what you mean. The great ones always focus on the strategy involved, what the players might be thinking, what they might do next, etc. You'd only know the lore if you actually

How DARE Nintendo objectify women like this? Strong, fully-clothed, wielding a phallic sword and shield, and with an earring?! This is a clear-cut case of misogyny. If Link were a man, he'd NEVER be sensationalized so sexually. Stupid Link. So god-damned sexy.

Thinking back on it, I'm astonished that Nintendo ever put in that final scene of Metroid. I wish Nintendo continued to put Samus in bikinis at the end of every game featuring her.

She does have that Rihanna face on in the preview image, for sure.

I think it's really just a matter of lack of imagination and shunning of said imagination by mainstream society in the same way that many people call Mario games "childish". Sure, it appeals to our inner child, but that doesn't make the game any less fun.

I vowed to go to the closest large pro gaming competition, and I finally went to one a couple of years ago at the MLG National Championship in Providence, RI. I was even more excited watching a live event than I thought I'd be. It's definitely way more fun and exciting to be there in the flesh, similarly to how much