
If aliens looked at football, or pretty much any other traditional sport, they'd think it was a joke. What should StarCraft look like, then? Circles with numbers in them to indicate the type of unit they are? Pish posh.

Physical agility? Check.
Stamina? Check.
Strength? Eh, not really.

Hahaha I was just about to post the exact same thing and laughed at this myself. The game is like 99% luck. How could this possibly be fun to watch? I can't even stand playing it anymore. "Well, Bill, he got lucky and landed on all the best properties." I'd rather watch RNG's for a minute to calculate the win.

Why must the entire legitimacy of professional gaming be distilled down to whether it's a game or not? WHO CARES?! People love to play it, and, more importantly people love to watch it. LOTS of people. People will take time out of their day and money out of their wallets by the millions. I hate whoever named it

It's not a huge betrayal. I'm not defending him haha I'm just speculating. I just meant that someone who was wearing gamer apparel probably rejected him. He's clearly angry at something, and he clearly has no logical reason to be mad at this poor innocent woman. He seems like a classic case of anger projection.

That's called he's a disgruntled gamer who has either completely failed in finding a heterosexual mate who is as passionate about video games as he is, or he has been burned very badly by a girl who claimed to be a gamer and really wasn't. Or both.

I bought it purely for the multiplayer, and found out very very fun! Maybe you'd have more fun with that.

I remember hearing during an interview with Miyamoto that, because platformers weren't ubiquitous and understood by everyone and their grandmother nowadays, he purposefully started Mario on the far left side facing right to inherently indicate that the player should move the character to the right. Apparently someone

Oh, she Fein all right. I wonder what number person I am to ever say that...

What if you're in bumper-to-bumper traffic? You won't be able to see well. This still requires forward motion.

The flying is actually delightfully simple. I might have crashed stupidly the first time in a jet. After that, I was cruising around for quite some before I... well, I crashed again. That was on purpose, though, and I killed someone >:)

1-year-old* when the BRAND SPANKIN NEW HOLY SHIT AWESOME SEQUEL comes out and everyone buys that one and never plays the old one again.

Please for the love of all that is holy... IS THE CONTROLLER ANY GOOD?! This is all I care about, as it might herald a new age in controlling video games.

Holy crap... I know the guy in the preview image! It's one of my good friends from high school's older brother. He got me an interview there, and I blew it haha

I like receiving posts from people year(s) after I post. It's like an awesome time capsule friend! It puts a new perspective on what I wrote and I can re-think my written thoughts based on my new experiences.

Viewtiful Joe?

I sincerely hope that the whole point of the Steam OS is designed to put all of its guts' processing towards the one game you're running on it. Now, if that's true, and I think it is, you can't compare the benchmarks people have run on Windows over the years with Steam OS benchmarks. It's sort of the same reason that

Yeah, I agree. I remember Canvas Curse having a bit of a challenge on some levels with the whole "ink" bar. I remember dying a fair amount, but I beat it.

He has me thinking of Jazz Jackrabbit. I'm listening.

Haha I looked for this but they didn't load. Whoops!