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Pretty sure it would actually go down like this.

Surely, they can't pull off an April Fool's Joke of this magnitude... right? RIGHT?! *breathes heavily* SURELY the Internet would burn their studio to the ground?!?!

In that case, the person of the year should be Nelson Mandela.

I still think that LANing is the best part of PC gaming, and possibly video gaming in general. Being in the same room as your friend/enemy is just the best.

Good job, Apple. You've made another annoying plug-in. It has to ask me permission again? And you have no fullscreen button. Come on...

Is this the Best of all the games that are on 360? Or is this trying to say that Portal 2 and Borderlands 2 are better on 360 than on PC?


Very brave, indeed! I think it would have made more sense to make one the control and other one differently. Let one resume standard medication and the other one stop taking it like s/he did.

Yes, that probably and the fact that they'd need to spend development resources (people, money, time) to make sure that everything works for the cutting edge games... and the old ones. It's an enormous QA task, among other things.

You're welcome! :) Happy to help.

Yes, I recommend it also. I've played Terraria for 125+ hours and Starbound for probably 6. It's good fun, with the same EUREKA feeling you get when you find a good vein of the next tier of ore. Exploration and experimentation is a great feeling in this game.

You kind of have to start tech over... except for the ship. You'll get guns and mechs later, if you watch the trailer. From what I've read, the weapons you'll find are totally randomized a la Borderlands and its bagillion kinds of guns.

I couldn't agree with you more. It ASTOUNDS me how protective the media is of the human body in general. NEWSFLASH: A NAKED HUMAN BODY - WE ALL HAVE ONE. When someone shows off their confidence in their own body, some people seem to equate it with shooting a baby. I give Will Ferrell a lot of credit in trying to level

The over-sexualization of women in media is one thing. After it shows sexy women ads, though, did you shut it off? The rest of the video is full of women being bashed in the public eye in general, by the media and by politicians calling their intelligence and mental health in general at large into question like

I heard that the artist of Terraria split off to make Starbound and the programmer of Terraria split off to make Terraria 2. Correct me if you've heard otherwise.

I think the 3K refers to the price tag mirite? /trollface

I'd go around back for her.

I find it nostalgic and whimsical. It doesn't deter me from playing them at all, and I started "playing" NES when I was 2 or 3 ~1990, and I'm 25 now.

True. They open their wallets for the silliest of causes.

Yeah, this would be the time that Wii U could advertise that it "kicks" his game onto the GamePad instead of pausing it and hiding it entirely.