
with a boyfriend nearby*

My 1600p setup concurs, as well.

Yeah...I don't see the logic in this. If we're putting solar panels on the moon because it can get solar rays all the time as it has no virtually no atmosphere, wouldn't the "power" microwaves being beamed to Earth be diminished by the atmosphere in the same manner that the solar rays would be?

We should be so lucky. I'd take ads over keystroke logging any day of the week.

Yeah, I was recently using Kainy to remotely play a game from my laptop with my phone. I wanted to turn the sound off on the laptop, and to my surprise I could just "disable" the sound on the laptop using an alternate F key, but the sound came through Kainy on my phone just fine. I didn't realize it was a software

What about Kobe beef from cows that they massage all the time?

Yeah, I was about to say the same thing, and I've lived near Boston my whole life. I clearly didn't take this survey, because I curse a lot, though almost never AT any one, usually at a video game, but I'm very polite.

If they got lazy, their games would be flat-out bad. Nintendo games are NEVER flat-out bad. Some (read: most, at this point) characters may be reused or stale, but they always introduce new game mechanics and their game polish is second to none. The one thing that irks me is how incredibly easy it is to get coins /

So... you're saying all Bacteria are Rock-type robots?

Trying to steal the limelight ;)

So? He's working at it now. He's overweight so he's a "worthless fuck"? I can't say I've ever lost 50 pounds. I don't know if I could... if I lost 50 pounds right now I'd probably be dead shortly after. I can't imagine it's exactly an easy thing to do. I have it easy in the weight department, and I appreciate that

At this point I think it's more like:

Sounds like the world would be better off without you. You're leeching off of his attention right now on your pointless soapbox.

Joking aside about him pacing back and forth, didn't you hear that he's leading a BRAND NEW IP for Wii U? I find that exciting.

... I never even noticed this haha thank you for pointing it out! Does it work when you're in an Xbox Live Party? That's what my friends and I are always in.

I absolutely LOVE it. I got lucky, too, because I had the previous generation of it (Z550 I think), and the main console broke. I contacted Logitech support, and after believing that there's actually a serious hardware issue (I couldn't read the display at all anymore), I shipped them the old one and they shipped me

Current silicon-based desktop computers don't run at 0% efficiency, though. That's why I'd like a quantity to compare it to.

Thank you for the explanation! I forgot that that's what it meant. Do you happen to know roughly the efficiency at which today's desktop computers run at? Or is it too wide a range to pinpoint?

Fair enough. I find it way more fun to play with real-life friends in a party so we can voice chat. I find it almost un-enjoyable to play with friends if I can't vocally talk to them while we're playing.