
I did read your post. You made it sound like LAN parties don't happen anymore. I'm saying I still have them and go to them from time to time, despite lugging around large equipment. Thanks for assuming I didn't read your post.

Had? I'm still having a ton of fun Online. That's where all my fun's at.

Fantastic article, sir!

Back in the day? LAN parties still happen. In a few years it'll be even easier than ever with laptops getting cheaper and more powerful every few months.

Happy to hear that, as Ken Rolston led the combat design I'm pretty sure. He led the combat design for Morrowind.

Anyone know when Verizon will be rolling it out to its S4's? Thanks!

The only thing that would make this better is if you could dig into what achievements they got. The first one listed should be the one that means you "beat the game". Although I assume you can do that since it lists their Steam name and links to their Steam profile.

I thought you meant this man, at first.

For reference, what efficiency does silicon in desktop computers run at? 70%? 80%? Is 100% THAT much better?

I wasn't saying it's one of the best in pure audio quality, although I do think it's quite good. I was saying it's one of the best 5.1 surround speaker systems that you can so easily plug into your computer. What I was implying was that it's one of the best bangs for your buck. It's a high quality speaker system for

$250 for one of the best surround sound 5.1 systems that you can SO EASILY plug into your computer and a built-in receiver? Yeah. Damn. I know because I own it. Z906 :)

John Carmack believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Oculus Rift is the future of gaming. This is the most promising innovation for gaming I've ever heard.

Good. I preferred Jazz Jackrabbit anyway.

Yep, I just bought the Wii U Windwaker edition about 2 weeks ago. Looking forward to playing a few games after I get some Black Friday deals.

I don't know if you understand how QA works. It's 2.0, and 3.0. It requires more R&D, more testing, more time. Do you honestly think they released the Wii, with Wii Motion Plus attachments and Wii Remote with Motion Plus built-in sitting in the backroom? I highly doubt it. Yes, the customer is paying for them to

From what I can tell, he's a video game journalist that started at the bottom and has worked his way up. I made this assessment from reading The Final Hours of Portal 2. I suggest you purchase it (I did for $2), and it's an interactive story book of Valve's development of games. Keighley led it.

This... this is just wonderful. I have no other words. Except those... and these.

Since your question has been answered, just wanted to point out that you should probably not say you don't want a bunch of dick fanboy answers, as it probably beckons them more than if you didn't ask for that at all. Don't feed the trolls pre-emptively :)

Well said! Don't forget the cold comparison (pun intended) between their dangerous environments.