
I see whatcha did there.

Yeah, I thought the same thing... until I realized that everyone needs to go to different places at different times. Oh. Yeah. THAT'S why everyone and their Mom has a car.

That's pretty posh of Reggie to advertise the Xbone's release day. I have no idea what posh means, but it sounds like it works. My body is Reggie.


This is why the story that Flight is based on is so fascinating. No one could have landed the plane AT ALL except him, let alone save any lives.

I didn't say smart. I said healthy. Like the difference between a healthy eye and good eyesight. Two totally different things. They typically go hand in hand, but not quite, I agree. Stephen Hawking doesn't have to perform under major time constraints, I'd bet. He's also probably not performing his studies in any

I'm obviously not saying that it's more physically demanding. I'm saying it can be physically taxing enough to warrant it being a physical activity, and mentally taxing enough that it would definitely affect your physical state. I'm fairly certain that most top-tier StarCraft players go to the gym regularly to stay in

Umm, yeah. They are. It requires deep focus and lightning-quick reflexes for 30 minutes or more, without any breaks for time-outs, commercial breaks, etc. Almost every "standard" televised sport has tons of built-in breaks between plays. A card game is far less of a physical activity than a video game is.

Are most game reticules actually EXACTLY in the middle, though? Somehow, I doubt it. It would have to be calibrated on a per-game basis, I bet.

I'll take some of that excess off of their hands if they're trying to get rid of it.

Ohh I'll have to try that little hack to see what the results are. I definitely noticed controller lag (or total input loss) when the controller in question is greater than 15 feet from the console, which is abysmal. It's to the point where the players with OUYA controllers need to sit on the very closest couch or

You're just racist.

Atari 2600 methinks. It will always make me think of Duck Pond:

...which came first? The Blizzard or the China?

Right, but guess who's developing the programs for everyone. Everyone else is at the mercy of the developers making all the programs on devices that are not tablets.

"our computing future belongs to tablets"
No. It doesn't. No sensible person would ever program on a tablet for more than like 5 minutes. That's how people make programs, and where and how people make programs is always where our computing future belongs.

Hope this comes to PC, too. The creator said he'd port it to PC first :/ and I already have an OUYA.

Hit the eject button ALL THE TIME on my newer 360 model. So annoying.

Such grace, they cry!

Such style!

This is quite literally my current wallpaper on my work laptop. I spent a decent amount of time getting it to animate in Windows 7 to no avail. It's popped up a couple of times during meetings on the projector.