
Ice Hockey is still my favorite hockey video game and probably my favorite sports game ever. The amount of depth of play from 2 and a d-pad buttons astounds me to this day.

Is it possible to get the eggplant past the Moai Head without the ball & chain exploit? Or is it not an exploit... it certainly seemed like it to me.

Now playing

Beautiful! I bet you'd like Miracle by Blackmill. Also a great example of beautiful melodic dubstep.

Yeah my gf and I looked at each other and just said "wut" when we first saw this. Totally agree with this.

When I think of "cute" I think of dainty, feminine, or adorable.

I don't think cute is the right word. Hunky?

Are you talking about in the game? Or in the cutscene? The cutscene doesn't look cartoony at all.

I've been in it for about one month. I thought it would be fun, but it's not only more fun than I thought it would be - it's surprisingly addictive.

That would definitely be cool. Sort of like faux 3DS street-passing.

Oh, it's rising all right - six to midnight.

I was hoping he was somehow capturing images of his legos and then making an RTS out of it that plays on a PC. THAT I would support full-force.

Pretty sure this has long-since already happened. Every camera in the last 20 years can record video, and every smartphone in the last ~6 years can record video, too.

Exactly what I thought when I saw this haha

I can't say that I watched the whole video, but I skimmed it. This video really doesn't give a good case for why this game was amazing. At all. I'm not saying this game is bad, because I've never played it. I'd like to see a video that shows this game really shining, and I'd be inclined to try it.

I really hope this becomes the norm for developers, releasing blooper footage. Fucking priceless.

View -> Games Details is all I ever need, and I own and have installed 307 games ATM. That doesn't even include non-steam games that keep resetting so I've just given up on adding them to Steam, and Blizzard games refuse to play nice with their new Battle.net launcher.

I own about 250 games on Steam, most of which are on my extra HD. I probably have 1.6 TB of games and I've never had this unstable issue you're talking about. What symptoms have you seen?

This sounds like the perfect common enemy the world needs an excuse to team up against. Where can my computers sign up to crunch some data?

I support the TBD fund and strive to put an end to BS!

Enjoy your photo of Scar Jo you married.