
HAH a likely story. Thanks for playing! For the record, people do that sort of thing to prove who they are for every Reddit AMA. It's really not creepy at all.

And how do I know that's you? haha that could be anyone. Unless I see a picture of her with "Burning Chrome" in it, I'm inclined to doubt. Please prove me wrong :)

Screenshot or it didn't happen. This is the only time I have ever actually WANTED the screenshot in this case.

"You mean The Shining?" "SHHH! Do you want to get sued?!"

Does she, in fact, taste good? Looks can be deceiving when it comes to taste. I trust you've actually experienced her taste.

He he... he said "anus."

If it does, then it NEEDS to have Gnat Attack / Coffee Break!!

Now playing

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
PC, Xbox

Ok, I understand now that that's the only way Apple delineates between their products' resolutions. My other point still stands, though, that they need to include other products that do, in fact, have higher resolutions. It's falsely conveying that Apple products have the highest resolutions when they definitely

I think it's funny because every time a new version of iOS comes out, everyone with an iPhone that isn't the latest and greatest complains about how much slower their phone runs and how much less their battery life is.

You forgot DLC! And an online pass! And it's free to play with ads!

If they want to use the term Retina, they should use the term on EVERY product based on the standard viewing distance for that device, not just when the almighty Apple says so.

I'm fine with them using Apple devices. I strongly encourage that they use them, for the exact reason you say; they're extremely popular. Tech infographics like this, though, should ALSO include the very highest PPI as well, so the common consumer doesn't think that these are actually the highest PPI. I'm honestly not

It's more like half-truths. A consumer should know that there are, in fact, many devices with higher PPI's. It's infographics like this that make the common consumer wrongly believe that Apple has the highest PPI displays out there, when that's not the case at all. I would like to see an infographic like this, but

Ok, that's fair I suppose with the MBP, but they used it twice, not once.

Yeah whoever made these infographics needs to stop using the word Retina, especially in these infographics. I also love how they make every Apple device have the highest resolution, when there are definitely other devices out there with just as high or higher PPI.

I came here hoping that humanity would deliver this youtube to me. Thank you for the delivery. Carry on.

It's not insane at all, actually. I'm no brain expert by any means, but if you look up how the brain works, pain and pleasure are very closely linked. If I remember correctly, they're interpreted by the same part of the brain. I also haven't partaken in pretty much any of these acts, except for being a little "rough".

wait.. are you... THE Jack O' Lantern?!

Dr. T Manhattan is merely the Mega Evolution of Tobias Fünke.