
I did notice this, and I also liked it a lot.

I think I just... blue myself.

Yeah, I agree. If he was sixteen, I'd be more inclined to believe he had a better idea of what he was really doing. If anything, he should be put into an accelerated security education program to learn more about that career path.

I LOVED the prologue and chapter 1, but chapter 2 completely lost my interest. I don't remember anything from chapter 3.

...but... but why male models?


Probably because their federal funds and economy aren't based on a pyramid scheme like ours.

Screw thinking with 3D. Think with Portals.

Last year, PAX East 3-day passes sold out in less than 36 hours. You basically need this if you want to do BYOC (bring your own computer), which my friends and I do every year. The immediately adjacent hotels sold out even faster than this. Sure, you can spend more money on 3 1-day passes, but that's just silly. Plus,

Well, the balance between discovering the fountain of youth and a suitable new planet and a way to get there has been thrown for a loop. Guess Earth is going to be overrun with rich people within the next decade. Joke's on them, though, as they only stay rich if there are proportionally enough of us middle-classers to

He totally tricked you!

Maybe the Chinese were going for the longest space walk, maybe even in competition with the Captain. Little did they know that there was a space shower of debris that would prevent them from getting back.

Is it bad that I almost want it to be a threat so that global populations can have a common enemy and a reason to unite, even if it's short-lived? It would be like taking down a world-wide Raid boss. 40-man raid has nothing on 7 billion-man raid.

I hear the Academy click noise from StarCraft in all sorts of popular media. I also hear the Morrowind door-opening noise every now and then, first in a KFC commercial like 8 years ago.


I've read an interview with a developer of a cross-platform 360 / PC FPS game, (I think it was Prey, not sure though) and he said that the statistics overwhelmingly show that PC players using M&K dominated 360 players using controllers. M&K is just flat-out faster and more precise at FPS games than 2 joysticks once

"How do women know about shrinkage?!"

Ahhhh the melody played during the Triforce coming together is too damn nostalgic!! I also realized that this seems like they are fully fleshing out the idea they barely broke the surface with when you jumped into a painting to start every level in Super Mario 64. ~15 years later haha

Magicka* ;) I can't WAIT to try Magicka with this. The controls they set up for the 360 controller are just so annoying.