
I think I'd rather play Cow Clicker than Farmville, because at least the creator knew with all his heart that it was complete and udder garbage. No, I didn't set out to make that pun, but I'll be damned if I'd miss that perfect of an opportunity.

Wasn't his prediction about storage sizes in 1984? Not so far off, then, it seems.

Of course law enforcement waited. They had to wait until Heisenberg was confirmed dead for fear of their own lives.

as Doom95 was Windows 95.

Which Umass?

So you're the CEO of Activision testing to see how bad the backlash would be if you did such a thing. Let me save you some time: DON'T DO THAT. You WILL regret it.

And by "totally different" you mean different than the last bunch of Zelda games. It will hearken back to Zelda 1 in case you can theoretically do each dungeon in whatever order you want. Huzzah!

Are you... married to Cake Boss?! *Portal turret voice* I don't blame you.

I forgot what their last name was. Either way, it was a cool revelation for me, as I never picked up on it. I also took German classes, but my brain works in strange ways. I know that the pronunciation of Schwartz is fairly different from the German pronunciation of schwarz with a V sound for the w and an AR sound

I'm just waiting for the gates of hell to open so I can not only defend Earth from the onslaught, but travel through the gate and destroy hell itself. If it's in a video game it must be true. /sssss

I thought it was pretty cool that they told us that Walt's former colleagues' last name is Black. I either didn't hear it or I forgot. Mixing their Black and White names to make Gray.

Now playing

"Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!"

Haha I was playing Doom when I was six years old. I'm 25 now. Given the opportunity, I would blow the brains out of any ungodly demon I see!! You could say I'm Ultra-Violent.

I was given most everything I wanted until I was 16 and I got a job, with literally no pushing from my parents whatsoever. I've had a job or was a full-time college student since. I'm 25 now. Guess I'm a kind of arsehole, huh?

wait. This game lets me "literally" kill prostitutes and take drugs?! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!

Now playing

I was too subtle; you misunderstand. Little Iron Man.

Little Iron Man?

Graphene? :)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that even RJ Mitte would laugh at this if he saw it. And if he can't, well then he takes himself too seriously. That seems impossible, given that he plays someone who has cerebral palsy in the show. If he was not OK with his condition, I highly doubt he'd ever have become an actor, seeing as it's

This might be the most clever comment I've ever seen.