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Relevant, if you listen to the whole song. Quote at 2:38

This is amazing!! How do you field test this? Bury people under rubble and say "trust me, I'll find you and save you" ?

It kicks his ass.

No, it doesn't.

Not if you use your right-hand and right alt and ctrl keys. Using two hands does have an inherent requirement of absolute intention, though.

I lol'd at the resume one. "Sorry I'm awesome." _knocks everything off the table_

I'm that guy. Seriously, though, I probably have at least 100 hours played in GTA and GTA 2. I have a maximum of 20 hours played of all future GTA games combined, and 99% of that is because of Multi Theft Auto. I'm very excited to play GTA V Online on PC.

Pfft. There's no way the game will look this great in-game. These are all just pre-rendered FMV's. /s

Flying Battery has been my ringtone for years. 5 stars to you, good sir.

On that save note: Just about every multi-platform game should have that capability.

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This is why Pac-Man isn't called Puc-Man. The creators had the foresight to know that Puc is too easily confused with / defaced into Fuc.

Because it's an iconic and awesome game graphic? Makes sense to me. I hope you're being sarcastic.

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I meant to link the video from this time. 1:00

I saw Parov Stelar and I was hooked.

No worries. The fact that you know too many people who would say that with a straight face is exactly why I wrote this and used "woofer" instead of "subwoofer", with the caps to drive home the sarcasm haha and wife acceptance factor is very important.

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*insert crazy Grunt screaming and fleeing noise*

I like this game. Our eyes perceive us.

Then Baseball is broken because whoever goes first/last has the advantage and there should never be any pauses or breaks and who's ever heard of an inning so let's just make it thirty of them because that's better.

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YEEEEEEESS!!!!! This game is a PRIME example of a game that I've tried going back to SO many times but I could never make any real progress, but the nostalgia... THE NOSTALGIA. THE MUSIIIIIC!!!!

I was joking haha but that's a good point I hadn't considered.