
Hahaha thank you for this. It's way funnier knowing that you're a cop.

This. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment on each game played. People love progress bars, simple as that. I know I do :D Unless it's FarmVille. Then I want to punch people for having made/played such a "game".

That's the kind of stuff I'd want to know to enjoy the game. Maybe that's just me, then. I'm a dissector(sp?). I need to know everything that's going on to truly enjoy something, or at least think that I do. That's why I used to scour instruction manuals when I got a new game to make sure I was never missing some

Should at the very least be FtP, but some people probably can't handle that.

I disagree about LoL being more accessible. I'm an avid gamer. I've dabbled in Dota and HoN, played LoL once or twice. In my opinion, and this is very rare, I think there are too MANY heroes. I'd have to play at least 100 games to even know all the abilities in the game, and maybe 1,000 games to know how to properly

HOLY SHIT. O.O How did I not realize until JUST now that the Zerg ARE the Formics from the Ender Series. How did I NOT see this? It explains how they all converse with each other psychically with Queens.

They're dancing to Empathy by Bassnectar. Listening to that right now...

Aww, poor fat Zynga exec cats. Are people realizing your "games" aren't really games at all but psychological extortion? Pity.

...but Nintendo will have a tablet controller very soon. How is this bad for them?

I still prefer to watch StarCraft II. Sometimes there's almost too much going on in a LoL you're forced to miss some action watching it. Granted, that does happen every once in a GREAT while in StarCraft II, but still. I also have more fun watching that, because I think the skill ceiling is way higher. I could be

Hell yeah! We Swarm by The Glitch Mob. One of my favorites :D Recognized it immediately.

It was "canceled" because Mitch Hurwitz ran out of ideas. Rather than letting the show limp (like almost all of them do) for more seasons than can sustain its awesomeness, he decided to tie everything up nicely and cut it off cleanly.

Who else read this and thought of "outside" from the Ender series? Bring it on!

I could have sworn that the blight near Dagoth Ur's final cave thing goes away after you defeat him, and all the townspeople are like "hooray, you beat him!" Maybe I was dreaming...

Rogue's character seems quite covered. Would you consider her costume to be slutty?

You have my empathies. Same thing when I played Arkham Asylum.

Is that still a thing? I thought it died a quiet death...

Yeah, it's kind of like how, when teleporters are inevitably created at low consumer cost... the entire world will fall into a state of anarchy shortly after complete monetary meltdown. Only a matter of time.

Watch this episode of South Park to realize why you're wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_God_Go

Where did you go to college, out of curiosity? I've heard Massachusetts is pretty high in the video game development ranking in the US (lived here all my life with no plans to permanently leave), last I heard was #5. I'm curious because I've also heard that California is possibly the highest ranking for video game