
"What a country!"

My monitor is 30" and has 2560 x 1600 resolution, and my 2nd "monitor", which is actually a TV, is 40" and has 1920 x 1080. I generally watch Netflix on my TV, but it's connected to my desktop. The screen is just bigger, and I can save my even more beautiful monitor for games or higher resolution web browsing.

Or it's because rarely do online video streams go above 720p when it comes to TV shows, so there's no reason to watch it on the computer and a higher resolution monitor.

Yeah... because Android saved its best navigational aspect of Google Maps, Google Navigation, for Android. Of course Apple Maps is better than Google Maps. Android doesn't want Apple to have Google Navigation.

When it works in Boston, then we'll talk.

welp. c u next tuesday!

I've heard that they have a good warranty. Some Kotaku editor or commentor said they somehow had one already and got it replaced without cost.

StarCraft II.

...so you're saying that Link to the Past was a rehash of the original The Legend of Zelda... riiiiight...

It is pretty moronic, but there is SOME truth to it. Like, if you're not "yourself", then somewhere down the road the real you will slip out. It's inevitable, and then she might realize you're not really compatible with her.

Mr. Pitchford, will Borderlands 2 have a segment in the Jace Hall Show? Are you friends with him outside of that show?

If I can increase my Jump skill and Levitate... I am SOOOO there.

Guess what "real currency" is. Not much inherent value other than most people have accepted that it's "worth something".

"Those are balls."

You're not if you think this video is excellent and you love this cosplayer :)

One of my greatest victories was tagging Reggie's 3DS at PAX East with my "My body is ready" greeting. I sincerely hope he actually read that, and I would have paid good money to see the look on his face when he saw it.

I actually just fully realized that this is like having a 2nd monitor on my PC (which I do, and I find to be a necessity at this point) except it's also a touchscreen. +1 interest in Wii U.

This! More cross-platform MMO's... do them!!

The microwave. Not the wave, necessarily, but the device that makes them and its application as commonly used in kitchens.