
How could you have passed up a "and boom goes the dynamite" reference? HOW?!

What resolution is the GamePad and its ppi?

Pretty sure it's an SSD, for what that's worth. Monetarily it's a lot of value (in speed), but in terms of how much you care is up to you.

I'm definitely purchasing it. I think the campaign is fantastic, as StarCraft 1 and Brood War has, probably, my favorite story line in a video game, ever.

I read this article title and got excited about Arrested Development.

Wow. I see you're a very logical and happy individual. Yeah, you're so right. StarCraft II is terrible.

In thirds... I'll assume you're talking about StarCraft II.

Backed. Thank you for telling us about this!

Reading this while listening to Signal Hill's Distance EP made this feel like a narration to a film. Nice journey, Stephen! You probably don't remember me, but I introduced myself when I saw you sitting at a table in the expo hall of PAX East. Hope to see you again in March.

Yeah, Jason might wanna stick with "one of the most popular".

Tailor your station to the "mainstream nerd", a.k.a. the nerd that doesn't even want to call himself a nerd, and, guess what, they don't want to watch the channel. Way to ruin your own station by trying to make nerds "hip". Newsflash, nerds are inherently hip now. Let nerds be nerds instead of trying to make this

Or it might be that their hands are hot from using them for a while and they actually WANT to cool them off. Either way... correlation without causality.

I'm not saying it's a plot hole. But it's a plot hole.

Nerd = Concept? Interesting permalink synonym haha

These games take much more physical stamina than you think. For one thing, these tournaments can last 3 days. requiring concentration and manual dexterity for at least 6 if not 8 or 10 hours for 3 days in a row without letting up. These games also last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more without ANY break.

I agree. However, it is definitely more difficult to prove how old you are online. I think that's the underlying issue here.

It's more because they don't wanna run into the swtor problem . "Throw more servers up!" Then, when people left the game, servers were emptied. I played with 2 friends, and we'd go through every quest in Quesh and only see like 2 other players. It was a deserted wasteland. They then had to consolidate people into

No, no, no. No. For one thing, if you start playing now, anyone before you will have played longer and harder. That's the nature of any game (including sports). StarCraft has virtually no skill ceiling, or it hasn't been hit yet. Dota 2 is probably the same way. I dare you to start playing right now, even 12 hours a

^_^ THIS. ^_^

Yeah, but you don't ever get income from R&D. They know they can sell more of these than they did if they lower the price, ultimately making them more money. Or, at least, they predict they will.