
Ahem. I'll just leave this here. http://stabyourself.net/mari0/

Still pretty damn good that the price is lower considering that they're upgrading two of the most expensive components, CPU and GPU.

This isn't a budget laptop. This is a top-of-the-line all-in-one gaming laptop. $2,500 is probably about the same as a tricked out MacBook Air. I have no idea, that's just a wild guess. Harking back to the PS3 joke... this new laptop has technology that doesn't exist yet!

Not to mention the fact that I think I only began to appreciate a real perspective on life within the last year or so (I'm 24 now). If I knew everything I knew now for my first 24 years, I can only imagine what I could have done with my life. Maybe I would have done something completely different... or maybe I would

Ohh haha sorry, miscommunication.

I don't know if "fun" is the right word. Rewarding might be more accurate :) They probably work 10 hour days almost every day.

This is fantastic. This is why I love science.

Are your settings maxed? Not bashing your gaming rig, but I think it looks great on my computer. It does look like a painting come to life to me in-game.

Really did wanna try this game. The art direction looks superb!

Why don't they paint the tires with glow paint... Different colors around the sides of the tires would make a really cool pattern in motion too. If they just painted the outside most rim with, say, glow paint underneath and blue paint on the part that hits the road, it would be extremely obvious to see at night.

THAT'S why I originally played WoW. The lore enthralled me (no pun intended). I remember reading the WarCraft III manual multiple times on the bus to and from school. Yeah, I was what you'd call one of the "cool kids".

I tried the same thing way back in the day... I wonder if...

Or maybe they're finally giving a shout-out to the BSOD. Presenting the Brand New Windows Blue Screen of Death. Bam.

Haha Ok, just checkin'. I have the blessing and curse of being the only person with an internet connection with my name. At least, googling my name only shows up with me. It's a heavy burden, but I think I'm carrying my name Ok (my real full name, I mean).

Wait a minute, are you the David Rosen that led the development of Dreamlords?

In L4D, you'd need 4 people for Survivors and 4 people for Infected. In ZombiU, you'd only need 1 Infected player to be the director. The Director is also never controlled by a player in L4D, so that's an added twist. It's a trade-off, each with pros and cons.

Saw them at House of Blues in Boston. It was terrific!

Agreed - Doug. He sees monster, it's now no longer scary.

Having the option to only need 5 people instead of 8 to have an even battle is adding to the discussion, thank you very much.

FanTAStic obscure reference, good sir! +1