
Except that one player can be the Director, the unseen AI of the zombie side. Yeah, you can play versus. But this way you can have 1 person against 4 with, hopefully, even odds. If you had 4 good Survivors in L4D2 against 1 good Infected, the Infected would never stand a chance.

Is there any way that you could support having an Intel chip version? That way PC game makers don't have to re-develop their entire game for the ARM chip. Somewhere down the road, your engineers should develop a system that can swap between an Intel and an ARM chip. Now THAT would be revolutionary! I'd pay $150 for

Oh I knew what it was from, that's why it was so funny haha never gets old!!

You forgot one more. You found out s/he cheated on you. I've broken up with someone via txt because of that. That was way too long a relationship, too.

LOL +1

They should have used a stuffed kitten or puppy toy... or a doll baby. If anyone goes out of their way to kill any of these, there's no friggin way it's either by accident or "survival instinct" as some are calling it.

Team Fortress 2's graphical style/co-op game play vs. Borderlands weapon variety vs. Minecraft's total random environments and nightly attacks? Ummm... this sounds absolutely fucking awesome.

Sweet. Now I can program in C++ all day by talking, and inevitably screaming, punctuation marks like "open curly brace" because it's not typing what I want it to or nearly fast enough.

Nope, you're not. The red hair is definitely part of it for me. And Lisa Foiles, to me, is the hotter version of Felicia Day, while Day is the far cuter/nerdier version. They're both beautiful and extremely attractive.

Lisa, how u be so hawt? It's not even fair. And I'm not being sarcastic, I mean hawt in the real sense of the word: nerdy hot.

You forgot fun, accessible, straight-forward and addictive gameplay.

Luke, you are the MAN. I fucking LOVE this game. I played it a LOT when I was around 6 years old. I'm 24 now. That's right, I loved, had, and played Doom, and I would often stop playing it to play this gem. Schools across the country should have kids playing this educational masterpiece.

Do yourself a favor and skip to 1:42. It's actually funny from there on! I'd probably buy Soccer Sniper.

Think with portals.

Can I txt and drive now??

Wait, this had VOICE ACTING?! Since WHEN?! I never heard any voice acting in the entire game ;_; man, was I missing out.


How DARE you say that Mario is Missing wasn't educational? I also happened to have a good deal of fun (although, looking back, I'm not sure why). I played the crap out of that game when it came out... I was 5 years old. I learned a lot about famous art and some geography. Obviously, it's not a normal Mario game, and

I didn't know about it before.

"At its core, this is orb Android accessory."