
Is Gizmodo obsessed with deadmau5 now? or does this copter always just play Strobe? ;)

Obligatory "With Nintendo, you're playing with Power. Nintendo Power." quote.

Isn't it technically fine for books as long as you can read a few full sentences? Does being able to see 50 sentences on one page instead of 5 help you read or make it more enjoyable?

Thank you for the summary! I've always loved the Avatar series, but I think Legend of Korra just made The Last Airbender look obsolete. There are much more adult themes in LoK and I just find it overall more enjoyable. I REALLY hope that the same people keep making more Avatar series' even after LoK is over. They're

If you don't think Olivia Munn is attractive... then you are quite picky, sir.

This is truly a sad story. If I was that guy, I would have noticed immediately that your left hand fell on WASD, that you felt right at home, and I would have smiled. Seriously, whenever I see a girl truly enjoying a game, especially a "core" game and not a "casual" one, I feel so very happy. I don't even know why. I

Yeah, I think they need more teams to be able to make more of their instant-selling hits. Instead of waiting 5 years in between Zelda games.

Well it looks like they're sorted in a convoluted manner that would make it more difficult than if he sorted them exactly in order. I guess they all need to be within arm's reach.

I can't get over the fact that they're not overall sorted in any particular order. He had to learn them in the order that would fit in the camera shot! That seems about half of the difficulty of this.

I listen to Black Mages regularly.

I'd think the US gov't would have to be stupid to use any more copper than that. Pure copper is extremely expensive.

Can't tell if serious or sarcastic... he says the name of the game three times in the first paragraph. It's Portal.

Seriously? That's pretty awesome.

Pretty sure it's for the charities he's raising? I don't know what else it would be. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just guessing.

^ This, this and this. ^

Supply and demand. It's why Red Sox tickets are so outrageous. Businessmen try to up the price. Still selling out? Increase it more. It helps that Fenway Park is one of the smallest baseball stadiums in the league, if not the smallest. Bad season for the Red Sox this year (win percentage-wise), and they're still

That's like saying Kotaku is a porn website because it sometimes has racy photos. Not sure if lonely or ignorant.

Thank you for the in-depth analysis. Very well-said.

How in holy hell is StarCraft anything like FarmVille? Other than they're both video games.

Care to be more specific about what things are terrible with Diablo 3? And don't say the RMAH or always-online, we've all heard about those a million times.