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That sucks hardcore. I think this video shows upgrading from Windows 1 all the way through Windows 7 I believe. You'd think they'd continue this practice...

I agree. Specific PC games should be used more in the classroom. Where are the Oregon Trails of today?! Or the Math Blasters?!

I agree with everything you say. I only wish games could continue to be a good, but any game you want to play online with friends is inevitably going through at least one other service, probably at least two. 1 is your ISP, and 2 is the developer's online service, which is hopefully free.

Oh Hi Troll! you failed again lol

Buy it because it's awesome and meant for the PC. I would never buy a console version of SC again. I bought it for N64 for some reason idk, and, although they did their best at adapting the controls, it'll just never be as good.

If you could use a mouse, too, that would be cool. But then you'd basically be using a M&K.

I was thinking this pretty much exactly. What's wrong with having the option? Let people DRAW on it! or WRITE! Options are almost always good.

"Do you enjoy crafting crates?" Yes -> Environment artist

Man, time flies...

Next Saturday at 11 am :D

That CG quality still holds up, what, 9 years later? I forget when War3 came out. Still looks phenomenal.

Yes yes yes yes yes a million times yes. I've also been saying this since StarCraft, and their CGI is the best in the business (possibly the world) according to me.

My greatest and happiest day will be when my child (I don't have any children yet) has this face on after beating a tough game. From Jane McGonigal's Epic Win talk.

My greatest and happiest day will be when my child (I don't have any children yet) has this face on after beating a tough game. From Jane McGonigal's Epic Win talk.

I make a point to not do it unless I knew it was their birthday without them telling me to. Besides, I usually see them and wish them a happy birthday in real life anyway.

I thought the exact same thing.

Hmmm.... how many of those aren't sequels? Like 3? Oh, who am I kidding, that's being generous.

Agree x 1000000. Look at Steam... Gabe has said time and again that this works. It's why they keep doing it.

I played the version in DK64 way too much.

Oh, my mistake! Then it DEFINITELY should feature those multiplayer minigames that were so much fun from the first one.