
Listen up, Nintendo! I will probably buy a Wii U AND this game if you put in the same kind of awesome minigames as you had in New Super Mario Bros. with 4 players. With the new controller, I can only imagine all the hilarious minigames you could come up with.

"mustached" should be "mustachioed"

I see LOL and WTF have been requested, but why no BBQ? COME ON!!

This is awesome! My only gripe is that I wish you had put the shitty screenshot next to the gorgeous maxed-out one to see the difference side-by-side. Please?

asynchronous != asymmetrical

I'm not saying they should go out of their way to make it easy to tinker. I'm saying they shouldn't go out of their way to make it extremely difficult to tinker, even for professional tinkerers.

THIS, even more than their typical price-gouging, is why I hate Apple. If someone bought your device, let them do what they want with it. This serves no purpose other than extra engineering for them, and aggravated customers.

I've never seen the word "amazeballs" before yesterday, which was, coincidentally, by a commenter on Kotaku. Is this word some new fad I'm unaware of?

:( a sad day, indeed, for you and video games. I wonder if there's any way to remedy it. Do you have vertigo?

You're welcome! I honestly thought Prototype would be suited better to console controls too, but being able to swing the camera around instantly with the mouse to see what's behind you (there's ALWAYS something behind you later in the game) was crucial. I don't know if Dishonored will be like this.

That's so sad... changing the view point from behind the shoulder to first-person makes you go from totally OK to super nauseous? That is just the worst! I didn't know that serious of a condition existed. I've never wanted to help someone through the internet more and been unable to, not that me being there in person

I don't know if this will help, but I LOVED the PC controls for Prototype. I don't know if there was a way to change the controls, because I never tried. Later, I tried using a 360 controller to control it on my PC so I could play from my bed wirelessly, and I could not for the life of me get used to it nor like it at

And this is why I love Kotaku. Commentors like this are mature and avoid trolling and flaming. +1 to all of the above commentors. I sympathize with both sides of the argument, and I personally think that they have more than enough staff to cover most of the important gaming news. So, they make original side-articles

This is like ... the game Ender wished he had to train himself and his comrades the entire time.

I was looking at that very one. 30" is great, but it costs $1,200 too. That's more than half the cost of this laptop?

If I could get one with Windows on it, I might get one. But alas...

Tell me where I can buy a monitor with that resolution. I will buy it right now.

Now THIS is some of the most useful journalism. Keep it up, Totilo! I look forward to hearing more of this interview (and hopefully others like it) in the coming days / weeks.

That's Riot's stand. Are you in good hands?

Oh -_- I read it wrong >.<