
I know haha I'm agreeing with you, Blizzard made the Butcher first.

Close to the console. Reggie has said they only officially support the GamePad's connectivity if it's in the same room as the console. I'm assuming that if you walk out of the room, the GamePad will no longer do anything.

This! I like to think it's because I like supporting game development in general. Speak with your wallet or you're barely speaking at all.

Blizzard did it first :D

Probably $40.

Are you saying that Brood War wasn't a massive multiplayer update?

Get your CoD kill streak bonuses out of my Halo >:|

As long as Blizzard still has their "don't release until it's ready" mantra and keeps releasing stellar games, I don't really care. Diablo 3 launch fiasco aside...

1. I'm glad they made Terran mech MUCH more viable.

Looks like if it was on the Wii U, you could play it on your GamePad. /iwata

I hope it's better because I always had a hard time finding a game to join that had more than like 4 people, since a game needs at least ~10 to be any fun for me.

More stuff was talked about in the video that will make it faster and simpler for developers to test their new implementations of code in the engine. The 10-minute dev walkthrough spends more time talking about speeding up the dev pipeline than specifically graphics.

...or play it on your Wii? Unless you don't have one.

I personally think you have it all wrong. I think the 3DS's effects are maxed with this type of game. Stereoscopic 3D, I think, is MADE for this type of game. It fakes layers, and that's what everything in the game is!

Hope it's better than Savage 2. I had SUCH high hopes for that game. I still don't understand why no one bought it... too buggy?

Watch the video. The more a developer can get done in less time, the better every game will be, and not just graphically.

He was probably talking about it as the first online multiplayer Halo.

I think it's because, no, an arrow would not go through it. The arrow would certainly stab the person, anyways, though. It just wouldn't go in nearly as far?

Bobby's World?

Haha I never tried that. Too little too late, I guess!