
Yeah, I wish there was one, too. I read a lengthy article basically saying that every company involved with the movie had too big a head and no one wanted to compromise. For shame.

This just makes me want Pixar to make The Incredibles 2 so I can watch it. :(

I did because I already owned more than half of them haha

Good thing they kept the boobs in frame at 0:12, Nintendo is so family-friendly.

Does that guy have a...FIVE pack?! o.O

"Stan. Why won't you poke your grandma?!"

Funny, I was thinking the opposite.

Probably built into the cost of the Xbox... could be wishful thinking though. More reasons for people to buy a 360.

Tried to play Halo Reach co-op campaign with 3 friends, since they touted having 4-player co-op. Little did I know that it meant ONLINE. You can only have 2 friends on the same Box playing it. Technical limitation, I bet, but still very disappointing.

Yeah! I understand that you don't want a plot twist up front or anything or what's the point of that? But the author needs to at least prove very early on that s/he has something to offer you for your time spent experiencing their works.

This isn't just for RPG's. This goes for all artistic medium. However much time the author/creator/developer plans for the audience to be entertained, multiply that by 2 (in case there are hardcore players), and the player should be able to decide if they want to keep playing after 1% of that time.

You'll go far if you can take such harsh criticism this well. :) I always intend to be constructive! I hope I helped you on some level.

More than likely, most people that start exercising probably do exhibit signs of "bad health" for a little while while their body acclimates to actually moving around for a change. If someone who walks a mile every day suddenly tried to sprint for a mile... that probably wouldn't bode so well for them during and

How do they know he was following him before that tweet? Seems like hearsay.

This was an excellent article. I'm gonna stay unbiased, and so I don't agree or disagree with anything that was said. It was just very well-written in my opinion. This is very much a part of gaming culture, and who better to write it than someone like you, Patricia. To anyone saying that this article shouldn't be on

Cool, but what are VGA sales? Graphics card sales?

No, I did not call you a Nazi. I never said you were heartless. I guess what I'm saying is that I think you're failing to look past some of the medium's required perspectives. You seem unable to "step into the protagonist's shoes" unless it's from their perspective through their eyes. I'm not sure what this means; if

So, you take video games' points of views to the extreme literal sense. You get too much adrenaline from an FPS to the point where it almost hurts o.O and you have no sympathy for an innocent girl who is overtaken by a powerful demon -_-

It's like Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth... when you were two!! I hope it scares me just as much.

Thank you for this. +1 for being funny, bonus +1 for having so many Sponge Bob references.