
I think it's probably because once you have all the DLC, there is no reason to buy more DLC. Therefore, Steam can't possibly be upset about the possible loss of income because the player already has all the DLC and EA couldn't ask for a cut of the money, and EA can't possibly be upset because the player already paid

If you really believe that most of this gen is shit, you should probably start looking at more indie games. Unless you're just a hater :)

Curious as to which games you would buy if they were 50% off, that aren't "shit games".

I've been biding my time. /excellent

So Demon's Souls has PvP has Dark Souls doesn't? I've never played either. I want a PC version!

Wait, Demon's Souls has PvP? The more you know.

I stand corrected. Yeah that makes sense; Atlus Japan makes the game and Atlus USA distributes it here.

I was about to correct you and say Atlus is a developer, but apparently they develop, publish, AND distribute! That's always wonderful, like Valve and Blizzard.

... what happens when they shut down? Can no one play? Or will you just not be able to get more "bloodstains" from other people?

One time I played StarCraft on an hp TC1100 tablet PC with two styluses. It was pretty fun, actually. I was surprised at how much having your cursor effectively in two places at once made up for a lack of keyboard. Obviously, I couldn't have crazy high APM, but it was doable and fun.

Most laptops don't support that, or multiple hard drives in general. Also, it's hard to decide between speed and more room / reliability. It's like going to the casino! PUT IT ALL ON BLACK! *wins* >_> PUT IT ALL ON BLACK AGAIN!

Truth. I'll take $7.5 mil and make a game. Seriously, I would. I'd make a game right now if I could continue living the lifestyle I have while making it.

Poetic license h'ray!

I do what I can.

To each his own opinion. I like all of them a lot except the last one, which I only like - not a lot.

Wait, WAIT. If everyone runs faster with a knife... what happens if you run with THREE KNIVES?!

Too big, too early. Funding an MMO for 4+ years and then buying another studio to release a game under their IP never sounded like good business sense.

I hate them so much in Resident Evil 5. It just breaks up the flow of the game when I fail at doing them and then have to wait 30 seconds with the You Are Dead screen to get back in.

I was hoping it was an Ender's Game: The Game :(((((