
It's probably because their servers were so swamped that some people, including myself, lost some achievements. Dear lord almighty, my account has been hacked! I lost my achievement for completing the very first screen of the game! What ever shall I do! Woe is me...

What ho! It appears that Kirk Hamilton can indeed write passionately for both sides of an argument. Is that so hard to believe?

It looks like a Tim Burton film. This is excellent.

It's S&M! You huck an apple at them to anger them and then you snap their angry photos!

Troll much? He even linked to his other article bashing it. It's called pros and cons.

He wore them over his pants.


This stems from the problem that in a restaurant, the food is actually the least expensive part of the entire restaurant. More food makes people think they're getting a better deal, so in the competitive spirit of different restaurants, why not give a little more in the least expensive part of the process? It makes

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But here's my error code, so you can't call me... maybe! (Error code: 1-800-DRM-FREE)

Ah, I can't talk about that. I never played FF XIII and I won't judge a game's in-game graphics by trailers only.

"Some of that was cutscene, but a rapid tap of the x button kept Joel from getting skewered."

You're sort of disproving your own point. If you look at Mortal Kombat and SF II without having it played it, they LOOK like the same game. They are very similar, but like you said, they FEEL very different. What this article describes is that PS ASBR is similar to Smash Bros. However, he says it plays and FEELS

I almost named my monk Tenzin. Or Aang. But you can't REALLY bend air in D3 so I figured it didn't quite work. Plus, the voice actor is more Russian or Middle Eastern and wouldn't really fit with JK Simmons.

Blizzard is the only developer I can think of that has CG cutscenes more hauntingly beautiful than Square Enix, and that's saying a LOT.

SOS if I remember correctly.

One step closer to Tony Stark's holo manipulator :D

Sounds like someone wanted to put a little Magicka in their morning Diablo. I'm totally fine with this.

Finding fun co-op games is more rare than it should be.

The artists at Blizzard are just way too good... for their own good. Yeah.

Same. That's when I called it a night.