
AD = best part of this tip!

If loving video games is a problem, color yourself guilty. I, for one, disagree.

I'm currently using a 40" TV as my computer monitor about oh, say, 4 feet from my face - tops. I guarantee you I could see the difference if the resolution was doubled.

Yeah, I hope they watched the opening scene to Saving Private Ryan as their training video about helmet protocol.

Damnit... you're right. Even so, I'm pretty sure he's smart enough to not do that in the middle of a battlefield, not that it ultimately mattered in this case. People got headshot'd in this video, though! Save a life! Wear your helmet.

Yeah, but I recall them being a little more difficult to take off than Buzz Lightyear's swoosh helmet. They have to be practically "assembled".

Why does everyone say it's MC? It could be any Spartan with that armor.

Awesome video is awesome.

I have to say I do love how Apple is really pushing higher-res screens. If there's anything I like about Apple, it's this. 1920x1080 has been around for a WHILE now, and now that there are Blu-Rays that widely support this, it's time to push for the next generation of screen harder. 2560x1600 needs to become more

Yeah, not including Ethernet sounds like a blunder to me. It's a PRO laptop. In a professional environment, you're probably moving hefty files all the time.

Blizzard only has one ace up its sleeve: Titan. All we know about it is that it's brand new MMO and a brand new IP. Blizzard hasn't made a new IP since StarCraft in 1998, soooo that's pretty significant. They're probably not showing this this year.

I was just about to post this same thing. Thanks for beating me to it haha

Ok that's a great use I hadn't heard of. Fair enough!

SwiftKey X is awesome. End of story. I don't understand how Swype could possibly be a more efficient way of typing since you have to drag around everywhere, plus it would probably super smudge your screen even more than a normal keyboard would.

This is the most referenced (as far as I've seen) and first widely-known egregious offense as DLC. It's such huge-running joke that Todd Howard has publicly made fun of the fact that they ever released this for $5. Outrageous. I sincerely hope that no one bought it...but that would be naive.

Yeah, I've still never played it all the way through, but I recognized this immediately.

"'Billy Graham's Bible Blaster' ?!"

I lost the game.


I think he was joking. I think...