
Reminds me of Seinfeld's stand-up bit: everything either "sucks" or it's "great" (awesome).

1. "I drive a Dodge Stratus." made this article.

Same thing happened to me. I just forced myself to type the right way for about two weeks once I got a real job before it felt natural to type the "right" way. Now I'm assuredly typing way faster.

And Zynga copied Snood. and Snood copied Bust-A-Move. and Bust-A-Move probably copied someone else.

I have not played CoD 3, or much of any CoD at all. Does it feel cheap because it's CoD? Or because of the way they did it / introduced it? Did it feel shoe-horned in? I'm curious, because I think games shouldn't be restricted to not using children at all, that would be silly.


1. How did I not know that this movie was out yet? I was just wondering yesterday when it would come out, thinking it would probably be a Summer action flick.

I saw it and immediately though of Jazz Jackrabbit, cause I read the article last night about visiting Epic Games.

If she doesn't know who Jazz Jackrabbit is, she's too young (and not nerdy enough) for you, bro.

Do you put them in your tear ducts, too? Or are you just robotic?

His parents had skinny genes. Pun accidental. I have skinny genes. Thanks Mom and Dad!

This! My 2 friends and I wrecked "it" in less than a minute on the first try. To quote AVGN: "What were they thinking?!"



Maybe if the bag's volume wasn't 3 times the volume of the actual chips it wouldn't be a problem ;)

Please delete this comment.

It's ok, though, because the market for indie games is already getting huge. Most of the blockbuster hits like Call of Duty (love using it as an example) will implode on itself and their "bigger and bigger" will eventually be their downfall. Indie games will then rise up from the ashes as gamers need more games to

It's ok, though, because the market for indie games is already getting huge. Most of the blockbuster hits like Call of Duty (love using it as an example) will implode on itself and their "bigger and bigger" will eventually be their downfall. Indie games will then rise up from the ashes as gamers need more games to

Toy Story .. and Pixar movies in general seem to be genuinely excellent at "using" children to full poetic effect. I don't see any reason why other game studios can't do what you're saying. You make a good point; they should.