
My first thought when the guy ran to help her was "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU'RE GONNA FALL IN!" He didn't, though, to my surprise. I thought it would have been like an ice hole.


Per your first point, I very rarely get to play, as other things in my life prevent me from doing so. This includes other video games. I still pay to subscribe for the time I can play. Whether I am of the majority, though, I'm not sure. I do know a couple of my friends who are in the same boat as me.

It makes homosexuality OK. :O

Was intrigued further as soon as I heard dubstep. Besides, it was minimal and fits very well with the electronic sounds of Portal.

Wow. How did I miss the fact that Protoype 2 for PC got delayed by 3 months. This is, indeed, ERRONEOUS. It better run immaculately on my PC. You've been warned, Activision...

has* ?

This. At least, it's the best one I remember.

Would you be so kind as to reply with your source image (of Nigri)?

Although "The Mother of All Games" was a marketing hyperbole, it worked for me.

Well, for men, I would imagine that blood needs to go somewhere else besides the brain. Why would it be so different for women?


"The single player experience no longer gives me any sense of accomplishment."

PLEEEEEASE allow online multiplayer!! It would be a first ever for an official Mario game, and I really really want it.

* /rant


So it's like opening the gates of Ahn'Quiraj in WoW, but with more people taking less time to do it. Not a game changer, but cool. What I loved about that in WoW though, was that the two warring factions came to a server-wide uneasy treaty to gather enough materials together. I was on Mannoroth, the 1st PvP server to

Prosecution sucks. The term "MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER" means he was playing with other people. That's NOT anti-social.

I lol'd. Who invited this guy?