
If Windows Phone had the next season of Arrested Development... sorry I'm daydreaming again. I blame Kyle Wagner!

Someone give me an iPhone so I can try those voice commands and watch them all fail horribly.

This is why I don't play Angry Birds. Even a monkey can do it.

Also introduced me to Breaking Benjamin! Love that song as well.

No it wasn't revolutionary. I never said it was. I just said I played it a LOT A LOT A LOT. That implies I loved it and enjoyed it thoroughly.

"Yeah I think you pretty much had to be a console only gamer to really appreciate it."

For being "profressional", that website is awfully unprofessional looking.

"When I was your age, we had to wait up to two minutes for a computer to power on, and we liked it," Are you MAD, MAN?!

I've always fucking LOVED the original Halo soundtrack, and I memorized every track name from it. It's probably my favorite video game soundtrack ever. The Halo 2 soundtrack was solid too (and I especially loved the 4-track Incubus cameo), but for some reason I never listened to the third one on its own.

Ma-ma Mariaaaaaa

I just played GoldenEye: Source with my friends at PAX East 2012, which is funny because I hadn't played any form of GoldenEye in at least 6 years before that. Perfect timing for these GoldenEye articles!

Now playing

Big Rigs is in a list with GoldenEye... BIG. RIGS?!?!?!

Arrgh the PIRATES would steal all the bootaaay YEARGHGH

Terminator 4?


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

Kudos to "Frannie" for reading all of your articles. I presume that's the only way she would have seen this one. It must have been hard for her to see your name on a website she likes / regularly visits. She must have "grown up" on some level. Maybe she's not a "controller-thrower" anymore!

I couldn't really search for pictures of Alyson Hannigan at work... and I never knew her name. I completely agree, though. She'd be the main reason why I'd start watching How I Met Your Mother. I also love Kirsten Dunst's "girl next door" look.

Alba and Cuthbert, hell yeah. I'd also put Kristen Bell and now Jessica Nigri up there. Of all of them she's the only one who I've seen in person. And, my god, yes she is just as beautiful in person. I will check out Alyson Hannigan (no pun intended). Thanks!

Ok, what are your other top 5 picks?