
I thought the EXACT same thing. SAKURAAAAIIIIIIII

Can't tell if sarcastic or irate...

I LOVE how so many people are posting their favorite Portal-inspired song! I'm saving all of these :)

Haha I saw that, too.

In a parallel universe, I wish I could somehow know how successful the iPad would have been, if EVERYTHING was the same... except that hp sold it. If the only thing that was different was that the CEO of hp presented it, and it had an hp logo on it. I wonder...


I think I beat Zelda II Dark Link without all that much trouble, but I don't recall it vividly. I just remember Thunderbird being really difficult.

Once you get the down thrust in Zelda II everything was a cake walk except for Darknuts and Thunderbird. Until you get down thrust though, which is like halfway through the game... VERY difficult.

Haha I didn't even mean to do that. Thank you for making me look "smrt".

Agreed. Braid's concepts of puzzle "elements" weren't very unique on their own. It was each puzzle's design that used the elements in new ways that really made them shine.

Apple TV will be called: iSee

I went to Cartoon Network and I watched the Three Gifts clip and immediately recognized Jake's voice as the voice of Bender. I'm sold. Now I'm interested in watching this show from the beginning. Where's the best place to start to watch all full episodes? I will pay cashmoneys.

Yep, bring it on! The internet is finally creating a path around the megalomanical publishers, and I'm lovin every minute of it.

I think it would have been way better if it didn't tell you onscreen that this was an option. It would make the discovery infinitely more effective, because you'd literally feel for the character being fed up "SHUT UP ALREADY HOLY SHIT I PUNCHED HIM!!!"

Kinda reminds me of how Bill Gates ended up owning DOS on every PC that wasn't sold by IBM... or something along those lines.

I played Blake Stone! Game had soooo many secrets it was inSANE!

IMHO, Angelina Jolie is a butterface.

Is it more fun than Excite Truck? Cause I had a LOT of fun with Excite Truck. Probably more fun than I should have... but I had fun so who cares?

I was thinking the same thing, and I never even played any of the Mega Man X's.

Dang these kids and their new-fangled [insert new genre that wasn't around when you were young] racket! ;)